Friday, March 3, 2017

FSS, political temaju tip extended until July 8

[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] Financial Supervisory Service extends politics temaju tip four months period.

FSS said it will run until July 8 and the related political temaju tip unfair trade concentrated period of time from two days last December, February, more extended four months.

This jochida taken as unfair deal expected to continue spreading such rumors in the future political situation.

Political events in April last year, the theme of the 80 weeks associated with major politicians after elections showed off an unusual appearance significantly and the trend of the KOSPI, KOSDAQ index.

8 weeks, depending on the volatility regardless of market conditions, political issues and after a month we are likely to linger Rockin fluctuations of the political situation in the future.

The percentage change in the stock price after the political elections temaju is about twice the market average, very high level of 16.7% compared to 32.3%.

Meanwhile, the FSS had received a total of 52 cases of the tip, which says it's possible to take advantage of unfair trade leads for four cases. When the political temaju reward-related tip the scale adopted a maximum of 20 per million.

FSS official "big political themes that are related earnings volatility and no, if you invest in political forecasting difficult temaju investment risk is extremely high should be noted," he urged.

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