Tuesday, March 7, 2017

'Loan loss reserves recognized' effect ... BIS Bank rate rise

[South Korea's Choice Financial newspaper reporter] showed that the banking sector soundness indicators rose to a loan loss reserve fund with effect from the end of last year, admitted common shares capital.

According to the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) 7, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) capital adequacy ratio based on the total of the end of the fourth quarter of last year, domestic banks rose 0.11% points higher than the previous quarter to 14.92 percent. Basic BIS capital adequacy ratio 0.45 percentage point, to 12.59 percent common equity ratio rose 0.53% points to 12.25%.

To receive a grade 1 FSS management status evaluation should meet the total capital ratio of 10%, the primary capital ratio of 7.5%, 5.7% more than common equity ratio.

The rise in total capital ratios of the fourth quarter because the total capital increase (2.4%) was higher than the risk-weighted asset growth (1.7%). FSS explained, "Despite decreased profitability, including closing total capital reduction and dividends increased the total equity capital recognized as such in the loan loss reserve.

According to the FSS, loan loss reserves Total capital and capital increment ordinary shares in accordance with the recognized capital is one trillion won and 13.4, respectively 7.8 one trillion won level.

Excluding the effect of the capital recognized bad debt reserves total capital ratio of the Bank falls 0.40% points higher than the previous quarter to 14.41 percent. Common equity ratio also dropped 0.93% points to 11.32%.

This was the highest total capital ratio of the Bank By City (18.58%). Followed by KB Kookmin (16.32%), KEB one (15.98%), Shinhan Bank (15.83%) were in order.

National bank, the Export-Import Bank has estimated that the total capital ratio was the lowest among domestic banks with 11.15%.

Last year the end of December, a total BIS capital adequacy ratio of the bank holding company rose 0.31% points higher than the previous quarter to 14.35 percent.

The total capital adequacy ratio by bank holding companies is KB (15.25%), Shinhan Bank (15.10%) high, were counted as BNK (12.86%), low DGB (12.90%) side.

Gimcheolung FSS banks Commissioner 'will induce contrast, internal and external considered adequate recapitalization of retained earnings, bank the possibility to drop the capital adequacy ratio and economic uncertainty in the phased implementation of Basel Ⅲ additional capital in force since 2016, and He said.

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