[Korea Selected financial newspaper reporters - our bank conducted two additional voluntary retirement and accelerate workforce restructuring.
According to the 26th financial institutions, Woori Bank is expected to receive an additional voluntary retirement application targeted at over 55 million employees subject to wage peak. The estimated size is observed by about 300 people.
Our banks have - gaming voluntary retirement under the name of "the former support system. Usually once proceeds through labor negotiations last year, more than 310 employees retirement application in December each year, leaving the bank next month.
Our bank is known to increase the added scale voluntary retirement business normalization implementing arrangements (MOU) severance payment of a termination of the level of the last 12 as Ta succeeded in privatizing January Deposit Insurance Corporation. Our bank has also secured a record first quarter (January-March) net income, earnings surprise, rising nearly 44% YoY to 637.5 billion won afford to pay.
Woori Bank official said, "did not regard the specific allowance determined yet specifically will be consultation between labor and management."
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