Monday, February 13, 2017

"Baensa be broken down by fees paid entry"

This argument suggests that the [financial newspapers around the lower cervical Korea News] should be broken down by category baensa commissions.

Yijaeyeon Senior Research Fellow, Korea Institute of Finance announced the "credit card VAN fee structure and the need to improve project", he told reporters Saturday.

The Senior Research Fellow, pointed out that the credit card fees baensa not changed for 10 years. Credit card baensa earned from credit card payments (buying agency fee for electronic signature capture system) level approved transit and buying agency services cost an average 66 won (transaction authorization fee) and 52 won per treatment with a van commission levels last 10 between years it was reduced by approximately 20%.

He pointed out that property prices have grown the business information needs in a van characteristic.

Yijaeyeon senior researcher "van business computing facilities and equipment industry does not have the additional significant investment occurred after seontuja a terminal such as" said "money is unrealistic price reflects the rapid expansion of the credit card market, so increase or decrease in proportion to handling cases property affection is necessary, "he said.

The average number of days credit card use has increased 227 percent in 10 years at 8.14 million people in 2006 to 2663 million in 2015 did Van and increased credit card fees are paid. That the van was a flat fee commission was expanded negative margin of the issuer.

The Senior Research Fellow, said, "The commission merchants were not able to meet the 1.9% fee vans, vans fee per payment this situation causes per 118 ₩ 6,210 less, the credit card merchant fees".

As a result, the movement had to switch their credit card company to jeongryulje van fee structure in the Subscription. Yijaeyeon Senior Research Fellow, pointed out that the van jeongryulje fees can result in neglect, deterioration of franchising revenue baensa.

The Senior Research Fellow, explained, "In baensa position may not be neglecting or manage a small transaction management merchant does not have enough income to be obtained from many retail payment merchants."

He suggested that credit card companies are considering the need to improve the system switches to charge Van jeongryulje market and industry environment than in a Subscription.

Yijaeyeon Senior Research Fellow, said, "For example, Van commission system construction costs, management and maintenance costs, calculate the appropriate fees for each year broken down by operating expenses, including services, should be able to pay."

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