[Korea hyerin nine financial newspaper reporter] had forecast a financial investment will grow 9.5% this year, net profit for the 22 days KB Insurance. This recommendation is made BUY, TP maintains ₩ 32,000.
Misdiagnosis won a Fellow of the securities is 'year net income forecast 9.5 percent to 323.9 billion won compared to the previous year, said,' lapse ratio, while falling year-on-year 0.6% p to 83.7%, the expense ratio was 0.5% p to rise combined ratio improvement is estimated at 0.1% p 'he said.
Security classification ratio is expected to improve long-term risk loss ratio -0.7% p -0.7% p, automotive -0.2% p, General.
Oh researchers' CM car insurance premium cuts participate when the loss ratio expected when the market Considering the aggressive company's sales strategy in entering it should linger room to be worse than 'said' expense ratios reason why a large rise is an online car insurance costs increase general and administrative expenses is mainly due to the rise of the factors and sluggish sales, he said.
Investment yield was estimated to be 3.0%, down 0.2% p YoY. He said 'previous car insurance combined ratio were recorded 103.5%, CM online combined ratio stood at 128.1%, "this year because" sales failed by only 135.7 billion won termination yet to secure economies of scale target is 350 billion won as was suggested, there is a need to focus on strategic direction for achieving future goals seem "he said.
In addition, the Year is expected ROE of 12.5%. Also consider the fall direction next year expected ROE 10.4% assuming a ratio momentum slowed valuation of the current P / B 0.6 times higher than the valuation attractive exist, said, "For the sake of securing additional shares in the future, KB Financial Group to existing shareholders for you can not not take into account the shareholder added that notable point is determined as a possible rebound.
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The other Korean financial news channel becomes your competitive edge. The sharp analysis and prospect of financial and corporate enterprises reflects the role of Korea's economic development in Korea.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
KB Insurance, net income increased 9.5% yoy this year outlook - one geumtu
SK Hynix raised earnings estimates need ... D Ram profitability steep - Eastern
[Korea hyerin nine financial newspaper reporter] Dongbu Securities said the improved profitability steep for SK Hynix DRAM 22 days demonstrated felt the need to adjust upward this year's earnings estimates. BUY with a target price of ₩ 64,000 kept.
Dongbu Securities Issues viscosity researchers' DRAM prices are expected to rise above the first quarter of this year DRAM operating profit margin of 40% profitability improvement expected to exceed the mid steeper 'supply side much said,' annual DRAM demand growth of 20% the current situation in the second half can continue to supply shortages Given "he said.
Next, the researchers Issues "At present we estimate 1Q12 operating profit (2.0313 trillion won) and operating profit this year, I feel the need to realize unrealistic earnings upward revision to feel that low, he said.
DRAM demand has reached the pinnacle critics said were homes where there are no grounds for the claim. Volume researchers explained, 'SK very conservative in an industry-wide DRAM Capa expansion, including Hynix, said, "still have the ability to look at the set, DRAM density of DRAM is still rising PC. In addition, he said adding "the current proportion fell short in the past, yet the average level of 4% level, '' after the Spring Festival to decline in the quantity required strength it from coming to China inde generally no such signs.
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KB Kookmin Card, protect youth detention facilities sponsorship transfer
[Korea before lower cervical financial newspaper reporter] KB Kookmin Card will be delivered to protect juvenile detention facilities donations.
KB Kookmin Card said 22 days had passed the 50 million won donation for the education and protection of the independence support youth detention facilities in Jongno-gu, Seoul headquarters KB Kookmin Card 22 days.
Donations of delivered 50 million won is △ buying books and GED, etc. Education Acquisition Assistance Program △ psychotherapy program △ toeso Saint-independence camp and various self-reliance support program via Mazar female youth who are living in the center Marla 100 education and self-reliance It will be used for the program.
KB Kookmin Card official said, "the wind to increase this sponsored many youth of independence that live in protected prison willingness hope this small but valuable foundation that they can grow as part of a healthy society," said "We the blind spot of the welfare and interests for underprivileged neighbors it said it will not spare in a wide range of support. "
Marla as soon as the center is the protection that prison life only because of the juvenile delinquency boy received protection of the court to dispose of No. 6 persons entrusted to the custody of the boy asylum under 10 years of age to 19-year-old woman boys for six months.
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Shilla Stay "Edu 2 Stay Vacation" package launched

[Korea gimeunji financial newspaper reporter] Shilla Stay unveiled the 'edu cation Stay 2' package, combined with the right product exhibits a spring break.
"Edu 2 Stay Vacation" packages are a great item to plan for an outing in the city accompanied with the right kids Spring Break showcase at Shilla Stay Seodaemun and abrasion, Gwanghwamun.
Package configuration includes breakfast for 2 adults and 1 child using a free upgrade of the room, buffet cafe Family Twin Type. It also provides a tour of the exhibition every three tickets bear the signature of the Shilla Stay Da Vinci Codex.
Da Vinci Codex former can enjoy the new way of the exhibition including 20 years of studying the Leonardo da Vinci engineers, designers and artists to work with new media, consisting of artists, including design, construction, painting.
"Edu cation Stay 2 'is available until March 31, and the Da Vinci Codex transition Culture Station Seoul 284 is open in both three point five to 15 minutes away by car. Per package fee, it points, and day of the week and different from ₩ 152,000.
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Galleria 百, spring trends suggest "The Spring of Now 'progress

[Korea gimeunji financial newspaper reporter] proceeds from Galleria Department Store 24 days coming 'The Spring of Now' campaign to offer this spring trend until March 9th.
First, in conjunction with the Galleria Magazine Spring 2017 Style Guide 'production, and to introduce the beauty and fashion trends and major lifestyle-related products. Style Guide is distributed at all points from the Galleria Department Store 24 days.
In addition, the Galleria Luxury Hall continues the "contemporary man teukjipjeon 'participation, etc. Solid Homme, Tea Eleven, Theory man from 24 to 26 days to provide the Galleria day card purchase over ₩ 600,000 additional 5% discount.
The newly opened to Paul Smith, Vivienne Westwood Woodman, K-WAY and store-specific promotions and price with free gifts presented classified progression events.
The Galleria Time World progress in a week of golf Fair from 24 days March 2. Events Golf product line presents a first-come, first-served basis ₩ 150,000 orders over bolbik vivid colors seen during the period and continues up to 20% discounts on brand through a day of popular brand Fila Golf, Callaway, such as Jack Nicklaus events.
Center City Galleria will be sold March 1 up to 50% off items such as the events which proceed from one to eight, greeted saebom bedding brands around the 'Raum through soft, April aethom prices coming.
In addition, all point in the Galleria Department Store has prepared signature also Gift 'canister' good Galleria just to take advantage of the spring season. Canister is easy to carry and put it benefits included, snacks, etc. Spring picnic stands on the sealed containers that can hold food from a spoon fold.
Canisters that come with starting three days Galleria Department Store-time World and Pearl point to from 24 to 26 days, in Center City is the day of purchase of up to 3, Luxury Goods and suwonjeom from 1 to 5 January 1, March 10, from 12 days presents targeting first-come, first-served basis.
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[Financiers Talk] 'lame' departure ahead of Internet bank

[South Korea's Choice Financial newspaper reporter] 'professional internet banking seems to be a lame starting from scratch is very deplorable. "
Hayounggu Korea Federation of Banks pulled out the first chapter talked internet access specialized bank in the last 20 days the press conference. Hayounggu president added, "In the Internet specialized bank market is expected to be a catalyst for the entire banking industry efficiency and innovation.
Yeouido National Assembly Political Affairs Committee on the same day.
In this place on the Internet specialized bank 'Eunsan separation' (hold shares of Industrial Bank capital requirements) mitigate related to "end the discussion, this happened. 21 to 24 Banking Act pending before the National Assembly held four days a bill review subcommittee amendment, liver Internet bank should be related to the Act on Special Cases want to narrow the sigakcha.
According to the current banking law Bank holds stakes in non-financial Business Operator (industrial capital) is limited to 10% (based on voting rights 4%). K Bank and Bank cacao Although each named after the largest shareholder of KT and cacao are not separated according to Eunsan. Tech aligning the pin (FinTech) times the gist suggesting you allow the banks hold only a 34-50% stake in the Internet specialized bank.
In the staggered hearings went 'Let's Internet bank has established the need empathy more mitigation is one Eunsan separate place' 'now March internet banking professional is needed to pass the bill for the recapitalization it is going to start a business, and entry to.
Inde passed through the so-called bill will be passed by the general meeting jeongmuwi 24 days pass coming internet bank legislation is difficult to discourage.
In the Internet specialized in the banking industry it has also complain ride. Shim, Sung - Hoon haengjang of Korea's first Internet specialized bank K Bank to open next month statement Eunsan separate blocking the "Increased said" it is imperative that capital increase of KT to K Bank to open properly, "20 National Assembly Political Affairs Committee Internet specialized bank established in the relevant hearings it appeals to deregulation "and has struck.
KT holds a stake of 8% (4% of voting shares) of K Bank. Woori Bank (10%), GS Retail (10%), NH Investment & Securities (10%), less than Hanwha life (10%).
The success of internet banking professional can look at dalryeotdago differentiated products junggeumri the loan representative. In the case of K Bank plans to target the 'blind spot' 4-7 grade credit rating after the Big Data holders credit rating lowered target existing banks compared to 3-5% interest rate loans counted as a point.
K Shim, Sung - Hoon haengjang bank said it 'Eunsan separate regulations KT is planning to increase the 2000 ~ 3000 billion billion won three years to provide a variety of benefits to the consumer when the mitigation banking "meetings in 20 days.
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Hi Investment & Securities, seeking a 4% annual return, including two kinds of ELS Competition
The [Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] Hi Investment & Securities Competition 24 pm 1 pm ELS 1 DLS 1 species and kinds of sizes from 22 days to a total of 150 billion won.
HI ELS 1164 call is 85% of the closing price of the initial reference price of any underlying assets in one automatic early redemption evaluation every three years six months jogisang expiration annular ELS as KOSPI200 index, underlying asset HSCEI index (6, 12, 18 · If 24, 30, 36 months) will be paid over a maximum of 12.00% (4.00% a year).
Even if the conditions are not met due until the repayment over 60% of the initial reference price shall be paid upon expiration of the initial proposed rate of return. If you fall into, however, it is less than 60% may result in the loss depending on the maturity conditions.
The HI DLS 88 No. WTI recent futures, the CO1 (Brent recent futures) the underlying assets automatic early redemption evaluated closing of the underlying asset, the initial reference price on a 18-month maturity six months automatically jogisang annular DLS as If 90% (6 months), 85% (12 months), 80% or more (18 months) and a payment of up to 10.50% (7.00% a year).
Even if the conditions are not met due until the repayment over 55% of the initial reference price to be paid at maturity the initial proposed rate of return. If you fall into, however, it is less than 55% may result in the loss depending on the maturity conditions.
The minimum subscription amount of goods is more than ₩ 1,000,000 ₩ 100,000 units, more information you can contact the Customer Support Center HI Investment & Securities.
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Cacao, Ali pay and partnership to expand business based forecast - Kiwoom
[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] announced Kiwoom a view to expanding business base pay and Ali alliance for the cacao 22 days.
Cacao has decided to attract $ 200 million from the last 21 days under the Alibaba Group Financial Ant with the injection of cacao page. The new entity will be established in April cacao going to take the form of management control is equipped with a partnership in the future to other services.
Kiwoom gimhakjun researchers "Ali pay domestic merchant 34 000 more than it going consolidation around the cacao pay business base will be expanded" and "Ali visiting Korea pay users to take advantage of online and offline stores over the cacao page gotta have a system that allows users to take advantage of the domestic cocoa Pei Pei Ali overseas merchants are introduced, "he said.
Kim researchers "that during cacao page will be the payment was achieved online center users to expand into offline network expanded through Ali pay merchants" and the "Ali pay merchants take advantage of the available viscosity domestic subscribers to travel abroad from abroad is expected to be helpful, "he said diagnosis.
He said, "because there is not yet an official announcement regarding the details are subject to change views, but the big picture is expected to short-term cost of enlargement, the long-term advertising revenue synergies" and "offline merchants currently obtain is because fewer levels than the competition Easy settlement firms the online and offline merchants for expanding usability analysis was expanded as necessary. "
Following long-term franchise expansion with the user would have a positive outlook indicator was affected by ad sales and other revenues of cacao.
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Life insurance Social Responsibility Committee, scholarships for training future talent

Was [Korea gimmingyeong financial newspaper reporter] life insurance Social Responsibility Committee held a ceremony to award scholarships targeted to undergraduate and graduate 84 people in 21 days Center of Education, Culture and Life Insurance 190 million won.
The ceremony took place the day with scholarships presentation ceremony for the five people selected as this year's first major domestic insurance-related PhD scholarship introduced. The Commission will support a scholarship to East each up to four years of tuition and research activity costs to the annual limit of 20 million won.
Yisuchang life insurance Social Responsibility Committee Chairman songjaegeun Managing Director of the "Life Insurance CSR scholarship, the scholarship are devoted to studies at daedokhan greeting to achieve the goal bar I hope we'll see a force, scholarships all future play a big role for the state and society I changed "and urged.
Life insurance Social Contribution Scholarship Program is a life insurance company that company to one 10 000 312 people use the funding to starring some of the profit from 2009, the last to expand that business for the future talent so far a total of 9.100003 billion million won per year have the scholarships.
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HSI Enterprise, Vietnam produces securing sustainable earnings momentum - South Korea Securities
[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] was presented to Korea Investment & Securities 22 days in Vietnam, saying the production securing sustained earnings momentum BUY rating with a target price of ₩ 23,000 for the HSI Enterprise.
HS enterprise delivery in November last year, Adidas sneakers publicly traded global Original Equipment Production (OEM) vendors, and it has produced quantity in Vietnam.
Better while Korea Institute of Investment Securities "as in labor costs surge of Chinese shoes production base in Southeast Asia is emerging" and "HS enterprise has to achieve efficiency by securing a large-scale production factory in Vietnam shoes manufacturing high barriers to entry Vietnam competitive production base was diagnosed will last a considerable period of time. "
And researchers "in response to the rapid secured to optimize production capacity delivery in the management of the customer likely to continue my share Our Customers" and "production expansion and products and the diversification ready to grow primarily historical SPA type adidas NEO Label but explained that the production will be expanded to high value-added products, such as running shoes. "
He continued, "biggest customers sign Adidas will rise from Adidas market share of 13% in 2016 footwear production to the annual plan 7% increase by 2020 to 15.5% in 2018," he said, "thanks to the product portfolio, strengthening and economies of scale 2017-2018 revenue CAGR of 18%, operating profit is expected to increase by 24%, "he said.
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Hanssem '1 bed, four kinds of new product launches

[Korea gimeunji financial newspaper reporter] Home Decor Hanssem specialist has launched a new four kinds of single beds in stores and shop interiors, etc. Hanssem flag dealer. Mainly to expand its product line of furniture for one person it looked online to offline channels japgetda one-person households is intended for adults.
This time we released 'Sand' is applied to the leather bed head is characterized directed to an adult atmosphere. 1 customer has designed furniture to sit paying attention to that spends a lot of time in bed, leaning against the leather head to allow various activities such as reading, using a laptop. Provided a storage space and a bed head side gap nopyeotgo bottom drawer space utilization, a built-in USB ports are easy to use digital devices. The storage type is ₩ 619,000, ₩ 439,000 Standard.
'Collection' and 'closed' bed is a newly launched product with a single bed Adult 20-30 more customers who want to buy products for one person targeted for the second half of last year after the honeymoon customers, and dwaeteot available in Queen size. Bed and close together also captured a niche features for storage space, customers bottom drawer, one trillion people housed, USB port, etc. Is the old one. A closed storage type is ₩ 589,000, ₩ 409,000 is closed Standard, together retractile ₩ 529,000, ₩ 349,000 gathered Standard.
'Chad' beds are made using leather, including the head and the whole bed frame, to finish the connection part to stitch technique is profound and remarkable luxurious design. It is the old one as well as the products that offer even among the elderly, placing it directed the "twin" of the two hotel beds. Standard price is ₩ 529,000.
Hanssem said, "and the main purchasers of single beds sold in local stores preschoolers and of ∙ focusing on increasing single bed in demand for ∙ older one was a high school student, adult clients 20-30 or more recently the" and "reflecting this trend haeteuni released a bed containing four kinds of design and functionality preferred by adult customers want more attention," he said.
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Shinhan Card, used cars O2O platform, Shinhan Card tucha car 'start

[Korea before lower cervical financial newspaper reporter] Shinhan card, open a used car O2O platform, Shinhan Card tucha car.
Shinhan Card has announced that the 22 days price and customer service benefits and direct and open the strengths of used car marketing platform Shinhan Card tucha car, proceed to commemorate this event.
March 22 to be "Shinhan Card tucha car 'car tucha Shinhan Card' offers 50% discount on the purchase of the vehicle purchase price to the 222 people who bought a car from. 50% discount on the exercise of the purchase price shall be up to 10 million won, winners will be announced at 24th of March, Shinhan Card tucha car 'event page.
"Shinhan Card tucha car 'website provides a variety of prizes through a raffle among customers to share information and images on the vehicle, at odds of winning every event participation it increased further.
"Shinhan Card tucha car 'is applied to provide correct information and is optimized for each vehicle in the discount on used cars that are operated with direct service connection and offline (O2O) as a service, the online site to enhance customer benefits.
You can get a discount up to $ 2,000 from ₩ 200,000, and presents a systematic and, trust high price criteria for consumers of used cars, and adding a card payment service in accordance with the implementation plan to the cash receipt system mandated since the second half of the year leading to a paradigm shift in the used car market It is planning to.
"Shinhan Card tucha car 'will also provide additional benefits through a variety of strengths Shinhan Card affiliate links.
Shinhan Card Installment Customers are offered a tour discounts, and receive, an additional discount by ₩ 100,000 per 10 million won, 10 million won or more installments drive Month ₩ 10,000 worth free also "used car extended warranty services, and 12 months available fleet management services do.
"Extended warranty service" can receive free repair within the major components (engine, transmission, etc.) failure during the warranty period with the purchase of 7 years and less than 10 000 domestic car 14 km (5 months or 5000km).
Wiseongho said "consumer confidence recovery was the geumbeon O2O services in planning for both featuring brand building price, reliability and customer benefits in the used car market need," said "in the future" Shinhan Card Tea tucha "Anyone born again to believe in buying brand to make plans to continue to expand the services and investment, "he said.
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Hotel Shilla Korean Restaurant, rayeon ', followed by a Michelin three-star Asia 50 Best Restaurants' selection

[Korea gimeunji financial newspaper reporter] Michelin three-star restaurant, Korean restaurant 'rayeon' domestic hotel restaurant is only three years in a row was named "Asia 50 Best Restaurants."
22 days Hotel Shilla Korean Restaurant rayeon said dwaetdago includes the 50 Best Restaurants in Asia Asia 50 Best Restaurants awards ceremony conducted by the Secretariat, W Bangkok Hotel.
Rayeon the Michelin Guide selection there is the highest-rated 3-star restaurant in Seoul in 2017. Following this selection as the Best Restaurant in Asia 50 were subjected once again authorized to represent the best restaurants in Korea.
South Korea restaurants were nominated for "Jung Restaurant 'rank' Ming geulseu '3 where the top 50 with" rayeon', 'rayeon' of the three is the only hotel restaurant to pursue authentic Korean food.
Rayeon was known to have been selected to receive a high rating in the study have developed steadily, creative recipes of traditional Korean ingredients and Korea.
Opened in August 2013 rayeon Korean Restaurant is located on the 23rd floor of The Shilla Seoul, including one private dining room can seat 40 seokyida. The interior utilizes traditional Korea rough historical research patterns and traditional materials and completed the design. In particular vessels are expected to use the work of the famous writer than a ring writer and artist of Korea yigijo a modern reinterpretation of the traditional porcelain beauty beauty, it completed the price of Korean dinner.
Responsibility chef Sung-il Kim of rayeon chef is "We will further strive for the excellence of Korean food can alert the world," "efforts for globalization of Korean food as the nation's best Korean restaurant following the Michelin three-star selection seems inked to fruition with this award glad," said he said.
Meanwhile, across Asia this year, five times 50 Best Restaurants is a prestigious event in the catering industry, selected the world's best gourmet restaurants are opinion leaders by voting every year and exchange information and trends.
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Unbridled indemnity expenses, after checking the financial authorities

[Korea gimmingyeong financial newspaper reporter] monetary authorities embarked on a survey for the reimbursement of health care insurers spanning every year impressive march. For the first time since October 2015 insurance liberalization measures.
Premiums for the hike as soon as the regulatory authority of the financial pulley insurers raise premiums continue to have a high ratio of close to 20% annual indemnity insurance reasons. Through this survey FSS is expected to make a brake on these premium hikes march.
21 days, according to the FSS insurance industry is reportedly planning to check the insurance factor for the overall impression of insurance indemnity to the health care center to construct a special Methodist Task Force (TF) on recent insurance Kigali room. Life, non-life insurers 50 yeogot both a target premium adequacy survey.
Several insurance indemnity health insurance, especially the midst of an intensive inspection target. FSS is through this that you have checked insurers to appropriately reflect the loss ratio in the insurance plans salpil closely how did He Jin development of excessive expenses.
Typically premium adjustments are implemented in January non-life insurers, life insurers are four outcome favorable. According to the disclosure of non-life insurers Insurance Association this year were impressive 19.5% average indemnity health insurance.
By the Lotte Insurance companies posted the biggest markups year 32.8% increase. Hyundai 26.9%, KB Insurance 26.1%, 25.6% Meritz Insurance, Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance 24.8%, 24.8% higher in the eastern fire order.
The place looked a lower increase rate NH Agricultural Insurance 2.8%, MG Insurance 4.4%, AIG Insurance was 4.6%, including a small three detectives.
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Shinhan Bank, fund management integration, global cache pooling service 'release

[South Korea's Choice Financial newspaper reporter] Shinhan Bank said 22 days has launched a global cache pooling (Cash Pooling) services that local companies can integrate the management of corporate funds established in overseas.
By leveraging a shared cache pooling inter-company borrowing entity is funding available and with low interest rates, deposit corporation means the fund management techniques to the funds with high interest rates.
Meanwhile cache pooling service was only available to customers of the bank leading global financial structure, corporate financial accounting processes, laws and institutions overseas, such as complex elements digitized system.
Shinhan Bank plans to continue expanding the local personalized service for domestic companies operating abroad in 20 countries leveraging a network of 150 pieces of Shinhan Bank followed to the launch of services to the Chinese market this corporation.
Shinhan Bank official said, "Due to the complicated local laws and institutions were to launch this service for customers experiencing financial management difficulties between foreign present, branches and subsidiaries of domestic companies, said" Domestic banks did not advance to the global fund management market we continue to focus on the global and digital competence nagagetda "he said.
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KB Insurance, Hope Dream held a camp for multicultural children

Was [Korea financial newspaper gimmingyeong reporter] KB life insurance proceeds over the past 20 days from two days of Yongin Everland Home Bridge Cabin multicultural families, children over 50 people to invite 2 nights and 3 days vacation camp program 'KB Hope Dream Camp in located in.
Already it hits KB Dream Camp Hope is the 12th coming free vacation camp opened since 2011 to improve learning ability and emotional stability of the domestic non-life insurance KB children from multicultural families. The camp came up with 15 adult mentors are 3 days and 2 nights is a partner of children.
KB curriculum Dream Camp Hope was configured to acquire the basic economic principles in a fun game to play with, such as "financial board game, '' Bingo economy. Here it's gotta continue, along with the many programs on a variety of topics that can show off their individuality and added interest of the participants. In particular, two children of multicultural families through the "animal role-play" are conducted for primary PM overcome prejudices and stereotypes from everyday suffering and helped to discover the personality of their own.
KB Dream Camp Hope since 2011 held the first camp conducted a total of 12 times and has been involved with over 600 multicultural families who have children. Heoung KB Insurance CSR said, "and proceed to six years Hope Dream Camp for the emotional stability of multicultural families, children with gradually increasing," said "through the camp I multicultural families, children brought up a great part of our country hope a little help should, "he said.
College students volunteer mentor who participated in the camp along gotta children are "difficult not only recognize who finance, funny insurance, inform guess the economic knowledge to the eye level of the children, of course, I can not help beyond prejudices to find a personality of its own so glad, "he means as a multicultural children's hope and dream camp will grow nicely in Korea cheer hope can achieve their dreams," he said.
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Woori Bank, wibi banks 'Mobile Money Gram transfer' enforcement

[South Korea's Choice Financial newspaper reporter] Woori Bank said that underwent 22 days' wibi Bank Mobile Money Gram money transfer service, you can transfer in 24 hours a day, 365 days a year in 200 countries around the world through the first domestic mobile banking.
"MoneyGram international money transfer 'is the world's nearly 200 countries and 350,000 Money Available services receiving payments from the program office within 10 minutes after the transfer without receiving account.
Visit the nearest branch once the first is a simple, mobile MoneyGram international money transfer service applications.
Send us your new payee in the bank wibi bank app, called pre-registration information came, used a variety of ways, such as sending remittances View and direct transfer it is possible.
Is supported by "foreign service" in wibi bank can be easy to use even for foreigners.
Woori Bank official said, "made it possible to provide a bank is difficult to visit foreign workers, foreign remittances more convenient to service a variety of customers, including international students.
Woori Bank was also performed in real time the yuan Remittance services using the day UnionPay network. Woori Bank official said, will be expanded to wibi bank mobile money services, and first performed in grams, available in the future branches.
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Woori Bank, wibi Tok 'dormant foreign workers insurance refund "service

[Korea financial newspaper Choice reporters - our bank is that the service can receive a refund for the dormant claims in the 'wibi Tok' foreign workers Mobile Messenger from the last 20 days performed by developing a Human Resources Development Service of Korea jointly announced Monday.
After the lapse of a dormant insurance is due when registering foreign workers entering the Departure Guarantee Insurance (severance pay), Return Cost Insurance (airfare, etc.) are not going to find insurance on file with the Human Resources Development Service of Korea.
If the foreign worker goes dormant insurance reimbursement if the application guide you through the process of getting through 'wibi Tok' passport and passbook picture registration, eligibility verification, receipt of results.
In addition to wibi Flick through the Human Resources Development Service of Korea it is officially registered as a guide for the dormant insurance and reimbursement procedures and sustainable management through wibi Tok.
Woori Bank official said, would greatly contribute to the improvement inconvenience and protect the rights of migrant workers' said 'to expand going affiliate business utilizing a variety of "honey wibi partners' mobile platform of our bank in the future."
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KIC financial policy support additional year maturity extension
[Korea Jeongseon financial newspaper reporters] are extended Kaesong resident financial institutions Amount expiration policy for a year now.
Financial Services Commission said that 22 days to avoid the difficulty of Kaesong tenants arrears occur, such as a weighted extend for one year the existing lending policies of financial institutions, the warranty expires.
Since the closing Kaesong February 10 last year policy financial institutions gave extend the existing loan guarantee repayment, grace and maturity upcoming expiration year. · Special scale of 550 billion won a special loan guarantee fund was also established.
Kaesong move to the end of last year, the company has been supporting both the policy of 648.5 billion won fund. New loans, guaranteed 281 billion won, extending maturities, repayment is deferred scale 361.3 billion won. Interest rates were around 6.3 billion won to support the cuts.
Financial Services Commission said it "will ask for the cooperation, including commercial banks one-year extension.
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Why Does wigiseol repeat

[Korea financial newspaper] then he says turning to history to turn our economy even unwelcome casts a shadow of darkness again. The Korea Economic wigiseol talking repeated simply unforgettable. Lift the head again this year. The prominence that began this month, April wigiseol 'economic anxiety is spreading in the financial markets continues. Even the Greek national debt due to nadonda 'July wigiseol' eda 1997 financial crisis in 2008, including 10 years' wigiseol 2017 "period of the global financial crisis focused on.
Now this huge public funds In the financial markets the tip committed Daewoo Shipbuilding April unable to repay the bonds of 440 billion won due to come back to fall in the liquidity crisis, Korea as a currency manipulator by the US trump administration in exchange reports published every year in April the wigiseol given'd shaken foreign exchange, import and export markets are significantly even dig. Now such a street market gossips, yuilho Deputy Prime Minister is "difficult to accept the April wigiseol" or "never imagined we believe the crisis will not be enough to cope," he went on evolution.
The financial experts are also Meh "wigiseol April. The Institute of Finance official who requested anonymity dismissed and said "Did the time when the Korea Economic crisis, rather than" "always ended in wigiseol stand (說)". Another official also "wigiseol two inde direction of the dollar to become the key to realize, in fact, that even Trump ahninya not know," he doemuleotda. Trump is strong dollar is inevitable after living in the US economy, but his policies won approximately $. The "dilemma of playing cards and dollars. Commercial banks are likely dont senior officials wigiseol of the conflict between the US and China, but the feasibility saw that enemy.
Wigiseol is said to pagodeunda anxiety. Articles wigiseol economic entities that are spread all evidence so nervous. No one is to be delivered to predict exactly how the future situation will end, it is difficult to simply not be the wigiseol in that it is one more place to see. Be overlooked regarded as baseless rumors, but the fact that it is not possible to slow the guard. Because the EU and China, and uncertainties such as Trump, president of the tough talk the impeachment political situation all-round deda aimed at Japan, Hanjin bankruptcy sequelae, Saad (THAAD), it is household debt, such as we the Achilles heel throughout hooked scenario of the economy. New camp, but because we can not predict each pageupryeok investors uneasy. Which one will have any obvious impact on the economy when the reality is greater.
In the banking sector and outside it could be a force aimed at short-term gains at the rear of the sangseuphwa wigiseol. The reason is that most of the points wigiseol begins with a securities center. Wigiseol spreading to stocks, real estate, and currency asset prices to fall was the fact that speculators want to see a profit in the gap. But from behind the financial crisis it suffered a wigiseol salpigo how convincing the evidence that comes out to give a lesson that must be prepared for the worst.
In fact, the norm of wigiseol 'is the fate of Korea's economy. It is always a small open economy vulnerable to gujora drafts as trade dependence is to reach 100%. Geopolitical factors also botaenda spoonful. Sheikh Sami Chicago professor John Murray said, "Korea has a narrow width because unsin external geopolitical conditions and divided country garaneun point sandwiched between the Great Powers," in an interview. Wigiseol beak saksak the rampant mintage you also catch the fashion. '10 Jugiseol "Then Judas am saying that 'wigiseol April.
'Known crisis is not a crisis, there is the myth. The proactive management of the government is required to wigiseol like this just puts an end to the unfounded myth. Finish the financial authorities to establish that you are inside of a corporate restructuring measures. Now do not start the surgery accompanied by mass suffering that is like a ghost wigiseol can really become a reality. We already did aneunga 1997 IMF financial crisis is also a bitter experience. In the harassed repeatedly, but could not get past us whenever the external conditions were even worse over the past few decades wigiseol now be free. But rather it is designed to withstand the predicted crisis popped in and out, as well naewoo currency is not the right economic crisis, we believe we can create an opportunity to jump in one step.
Even if politicians and presidential impeachment political spirit is only sold outside the consumer will have to bear in mind that candles can go up to Congress. In addition, economic agents such as households and businesses also time to come off on their own risk management. The government also abandoned after shake the lure of good times ate out only good to eat persimmons crisis should now focus on improving economic fundamentals for a re-jump. There is the pain of labor reforms followed a flurry in the middle. The hurry is also essential for major surgery while 'Tick Tick' household. Parliament also must not further postpone the processing of such economic revitalization measures. I think that economic agents are able to prevent any disaster Leverage wigiseol, not obnoxious about. Now, while repeating the crisis is the time to take advantage of pitting our economic system has accumulated the wisdom to go well and you need to solve wisely wigiseol year 2017 based on mature public awareness commensurate with income $ 2 million times.
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KB Financial Group 'rib mates' ad SNS surpassed 500 million views

[Korea financial newspaper choice is a reporter] KB Financial Group last January 31 launched 'rib-mate (Liiv Mate)' ad aired three, Lord, only on YouTube and Facebook, such as social network services (SNS) for over hits 500 million cases a break It said Monday.
The ad utilizes the drama 'bogeyman' integrated membership platform, KB Financial Group and put my LG U + will hand in their daily lives according to the 'pitch couples' actor Lee Dong Wook and lure out upbeat background music was hot rolled as 'rib-mate' in it can put out a sensational appearance in the video.
KB Financial Group official said that "March of the 'rib mates' subsequent ad to introduce more than a differentiated service line is also expected to look for.
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KB Financial Group - bontu global centers, start-up training agreements
[Korea Jeongseon financial newspaper reporters] KB Financial Group is 22 days in Seongnam today announced a business agreement (MOU) per minute for Pangyo Techno Valley start-up in the K-ICT bontu Global Center campus and start-up joint discovery and development.
With this agreement, KB Financial is expected to continue to invest across the technology verification intended for start-up members and tenants who cultivate the global bontu center.
Start-up professional support organization bontu global center of future creation Sciences, affiliated also plans to support the overseas expansion of the company given by the evaluation after being recommended "KB Star Charters' that fosters the KB Financial Group as a member.
Meanwhile, KB Financial Group last 2015 from the affiliated organization, KB Innovation Hub (Innovation HUB) (former KB-pin Tech HUB center) in operating the pin-tech start-up training program through 'KB Star Charters (Starters)' 20 companies for included, has supported more than 200 pins tech company plans to expand the investment in earnest this year.
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Only the New World Duty Free, open 9 months monthly surplus achieved

[Korea gimeunji financial newspaper News] New World Duty Free opened myeongdongjeom was recorded nine months sales only in January, 75 billion won, operating profit of 1.2 billion won.
New World Duty Free official explained that "highest sales day this month soared to 5.2 billion won has been a more pronounced upward trend, such as the two months average daily turnover rising steeply to 3.8 billion won."
New World Duty Free is the second half of last year, Bulgari, Van Cleef & Arpels, Tiffany, etc. Dragon started in earnest and not sales of global luxury brands, strong marketing apseun spread the Hallyu stars such as Jeon.
In addition, two months Burberry and Tod will start operating in March, and there are open ahead of Chloe, Celine, including luxury brands. It expects to achieve sales of 4 billion won through daily average.
New World Duty Free stores are concentrated, such as the configuration of creating a theme park in the city center, the large rotating swings with the outdoor work area of up to two floors high in the middle of the store with the goal should be "spot" rather than a mere duty-free shopping area.
Also for the first time in Korea Korea it has gained a cultural tradition Editing Shop 'New World Gift Shop' opened with a good reaction.
Sonyoungsik New World Dieppe representatives "will become a duty-free company with a global reach through a variety of differentiated content," "The successful turnaround does not Year open one effort because towards the differentiation and distribution capabilities of parent company New World," said he said.
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Tall global designer stainless steel valves lure 'LG G6' praised

Strategy of premium smartphones LG G6 [Korea ohahreum financial newspaper reporter] LG Electronics has received rave reviews from the world of Industrial Designers Luer valve stent Tall (Torsten Valeur).
Tall stainless steel valves lure 22 days 'full vision (FullVision)' display is applied to LG G6 first impression "beautiful appearance (Beautiful shape), smart functions (Clever solution), optimal usability (Great user experience) the harmony achieved." It was popular.
Ballarat lure is the LG G6 "had yet extremely equipped optimal size and beautiful rounded corners (Beautiful rounded corners) that can be comfortably gripped in one hand and a good representation of the convenience this large screen to" and "what true smartphone, whether showing the design of the integer (精髓) established that splashed (The essence of what a smartphone is) ".
He also said evaluation "Smartphone users want a phone that is most comfortable to use with one hand" and "LG G6 is touched felt the grip (Secure grip) comfort and stability in a moment."
LG Electronics has raised the expectations for the LG G6 design showcase at 26th Barcelona coming to disclose a video interview with luer valve to its own social media (SNS) such as YouTube.
Tall stainless steel valves lure has participated as a designer of premium consumer electronics brands 超 'LG signatures (LG SIGNATURE)' figured packed with refined beauty the best performance by focusing on the essence.
He is Danish design studio, David Lewis Designers (David Lewis Designers) 'chief executive officer of the iF Design Award, Good Design award-winning bar has a large number of prestigious design awards in the world award.
LG G6 has implemented a tight grip and a large screen fills the front to feel the comfort at the same time squeeze the product on hand. 5.7 inches QHD + (2880ⅹ1440) high-resolution display, full vision 'is to apply the soft curve design right corner of the captured yet sophisticated feel.
LG Electronics MC Division Soo Young Kim, managing director in charge of marketing FD emphasized as "full, full to the vision of a large-screen display, ease of use, LG G6 is equipped with all the sophisticated design to deliver the best value to our customers."
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Lotte Card "Oil King SK, Lotte Card launch

[Korea before lower cervical financial newspaper reporter] and Lotte Card launch the "Oil King SK, Lotte Card '.
Lotte Card (CEO chaejeongbyeong) Up to 300 won per liter in the SK gas stations, today introduced the "Oil King SK, Lotte Card 'to enjoy discounts up to ₩ 40,000 May 22.
King SK, Lotte Card allows five days last month, when the amount is used if more than ₩ 500,000 150 won per liter, when more than 1 million won per liter, $ 0.20 and $ 20 off per liter more than 150 0.30. Discount is per month, respectively ₩ 15,000, ₩ 25,000, 4 million. Discount applies to the amount of ₩ 100,000 per tour, you can get a discount up to four times a month.
To celebrate the launch card was arranged various events. 1 March to 31 May Pay at over 30,000 at SK gas stations ₩ 5,000 cash back, at SK gas station payment over 30,000, and the ₩ 510,000 during million won over a payment, your cashback from Lotte Mart, over 30,000 in SK Gas Station payment and may receive more than ₩ 100,000 to ₩ 30,000 cash back payment at Lotte City outlets. Duplicate participation is not possible.
The March 1 days ₩ 30,000 cash back benefits provided during from May casualty insurance auto insurance more K to the oil king over ₩ 300,000 SK, Lotte Card 31st payments.
Lotte Card official said, "We expect a lot from the card drivers to enjoy the benefit of road oil riser" "Oil King SK, Lotte Card is to provide products that stall the focus discounts at SK gas stations," said he said.
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NH cooperatives cards, pay olwon released

[Korea before lower cervical financial newspaper reporter] NH Agricultural cards will be released olwon page.
Agricultural NH cards today introduced the ease of use and 'olwon page "enhanced card payment safety of existing mobile apps announced Monday.
When you install the app, register, pay olwon NH cooperatives cards can be conveniently without cash or credit card payment only smartphones. Discount, the same applies also receive benefits such as earning batdeon from the existing card.
To overcome the shortcomings of the existing payment app features quick-pay for reduced payment time is applied, in the case of off-line (on-site payment) settlement is within 5 seconds.
The NH All Agricultural card payment is available to PC · Mobile Mall Of course, using a one-time virtual card number at 20 005 thousand offline merchants it is possible to secure payment.
NH Agricultural cards will also continue to celebrate the launch olwon pay, cash back and many events NH card at the Agricultural Facebook accordance with the payment targets guests.
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SKT, AI Robot Butler era opens

As in the [South Korea ohahreum financial newspaper reporter] SF movie era robot that can perform commands to hear human speech came out seongkeum approached the front.
SK Telecom will showcase such a 'MWC 2017' in △ △ outside of its next-generation AI Robot AI developer works in conjunction with IBM Watson △ robot-based AI 'Avril' who 'the world's largest mobile festival.
SK Telecom naeseunda in front of Ecosystem AI expansion through partnerships with various operators with AI technology innovation. Because AI services / terminal with expanded ecosystem integrity, including technology audio / video recognition was judged whether the AI business success in the future.
◇ AI ecosystem presents a blueprint
SK Telecom's intelligent AI robot prototype of the 'who' and the external works, including one petbot and Commerce serves bot developers at MWC 2 species together suggests future AI robot concept to evolve in various forms.
Petbot resembling a dog (Pet Bot) in IPL Inc. "Genie child 'can work with" anyone "to understand the words of the people to carry out the command. The camera is also possible home monitoring. Future of Bot robot 社 commerce (Commerce Bot) 'furo desk (FURo-DESK)' is a robot that store's POS functionality to fuse the robot provides payment services. Greets guests and can be guided and is expected to provide a customer-specific personalized service shop ∙ If the graft in the future AI.
AI commercialization of next-generation devices and timing of external robot developer, SK Telecom will be unveiled at the MWC this time to present a blueprint for the future is undecided, AI ecosystems.
One trillion people ◇ Turn off the gas if malman bulldozer
'Who' is also suggested as a potential hub of the home IoT. SK Telecom's Smart galleries can be found by visiting the home corner control various appliances, such as IPTV, air cleaners, lights, gas valve through the 'who'.
SK Telecom is leading the domestic smart home market by launching more than 70 smart home products linked partnered with more than 60 companies so far. SK Telecom plans to continue to expand the appliance in conjunction with artificial intelligence 'who'.
In addition, machine learning (machine learning) skills through the device usage history, residential living patterns, and indoor and outdoor analyzing comprehensive a range of information '1:01' plans to himself proposed a smart home services and provide even intelligent smart home to perform.
In addition, SK Telecom and public works to the currently available 'who' and the speaker-based IBM Watson SK C & C 'Avril'.
SK Telecom has succeeded in demonstrating dialogue, as well as a variety of functions such as radio, weather, and common sense in English.
For example, if you ask that 'What is the highest mountain in the world?' Called 'Mount Everest'. SK Telecom plans to introduce English conversation feature a combination of 'Avril' year of the 'who'. AI English teacher in a house not far days to emerge.
SK Telecom is planning to continue to strengthen its competitiveness through the SK C & C and artificial intelligence cooperation, starting with this collaboration.
SK Telecom bakmyeongsun Future Technology Director: " 'Who' was held to begin with speech recognition and artificial intelligence is going to dramatically change in a life in general" AI popularized era "and" sharing and measures that AI ecosystem itself can grow through opening It said it will raise. "
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Hyundai Motor, the first half of new recruits from 28 days Jobs
[Hyomun financial newspaper reporters standing in South Korea - Hyundai Motor will be conducted in the first half of 2017, new employee recruitment. Hyundai has adopted over the coming home from 28 days ▲ R & D ▲ Manufacturing ▲ strategic support ▲ S / W ▲ design and said that five of the 22 sectors in 2017 started the first half of the new employees and interns employed one.
First, new employees are the target August graduates or graduates coming period. ▲ R & D sector (technology management, vehicle design, vehicle evaluation, powertrain, materials, commercial development, pilot) ▲ Manufacturing sector (purchasing, component development, plant) ▲ strategies support sector (product strategy, marketing, sales, service, management planning , Finance, PR, IT, management support) are recruited from three sectors such proceeds.
Applications can be filed through the Hyundai Jobs Main from 10 to 28 days 13 am to noon the next month. Documents Screening Pass are expected to be guided through the recruitment website last week of March.
The HMAT (injeokseong examination) and history essay type documents that target the selected candidates are coming will be held on April 1, the selected candidates will have the final incidence is determined through two rounds of interviews later.
1st interview is an interview ▲ ▲ core competence consists of skills job interview, second interview, the interview comprehensive ▲ ▲ ▲ English interview medical examination will be carried out.
Intern recruitment is going on in ▲ R & D division ▲ Manufacturing Sector ▲ strategic support areas such as addition three divisions new employee recruitment goes ▲ S · W sector and ▲ Design Division (vehicle design, brand design) This included a total of five categories.
Hyundai Motor plans to help refine the previous year by recruiting interns employed in this sector volunteers experience from service to find the most suitable job according to their capabilities and inclinations. In particular, it is a new S / W, which is emphasized in order to strengthen the competitiveness of the sector in the future automotive market sectors.
▲ R & D sector and the sector support strategy ▲ ▲ Manufacturing Sector ▲ S / W Division can support sleep eight years to graduate in February 2018, or 2018 graduates. (※ However, the second semester senior year university students can not support, new employees can only support adoption)
▲ machine design department is capable of graduates, masters are also supported, including graduates or graduates March 8 2018 February next year.
Application acceptance period is the same as the new employee hiring, new employee recruitment and redundancy support is not. Intern recruitment is proceeding to a destination Notification of selected candidates HMAT (injeokseong inspection) and primary Interview final selection and six 2017 May this business practice goes from 7 weeks. In addition, Hyundai is planning to starting the lab with new recruits outstanding graduates.
Hyundai Motor official said, "This is a new and intern recruitment 'What makes you move? It said it would embark on finding people with a positive vision and ability to be growing with modern cars that move under the slogan is "the world" with you.
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Seoul Motor Show in March, a total of 27 automobile manufacturers participating

Was [Korea financial newspaper stand hyomun News] Seoul Motor Show Organizing Committee held a press conference at the JW Marriott Dongdaemun Square Seoul, Jongno-gu, released 22 days Implementation Status and '2017 Seoul Motor Show, exhibitors, exhibition vehicles, and other events.
2017 Seoul Motor Show is "The Future prone, enjoy the current (Design the future, Enjoy the moment) 'Subject to the coming March 31 to April 9 KINTEX, Ilsan, Gyeonggi total of ten days between (KINTEX) in the open.
The Motor Show has nine domestic and imported a total of 27 participants, most automakers worldwide, including 18 brand. Genesis, Mercedes -AMG and the first participation as an independent brand, but (MAN) also comes with a new one.
The total number of vehicles on display are valued at approximately 300 Womans University. New car is scheduled tentatively world premiere two species, 17 kinds of Premier Asia (including three species concept car), 13 kinds of Premier Korea (concept car 4 types), including a total of 32 paper published.
167 dog-related companies such as automobile parts other than supplies · I · · · Tuning Services will participate (in the last 145 in 2015). 7 is expected to relevant organizations such as Korea Electronics Technology Institute will be participating in the exhibition, covering the ecosystem of the automotive industry.
The IT company to participate in two online retailer exhibitions Naver is the first time decorating the exhibition space, including the auction as a new sales service appeared Seoul Motor Show Organizing Committee (hereinafter the organizers) have announced the 2017 feature of the Seoul Motor Show is ▲ Automotive Industry global trends suggest ▲ is organized by the Seoul Motor Show only a family-friendly type, hands-on, educational identity type constructed of reinforced ▲ exhibition operational quality and enhance visitor convenience, etc.
This eco-friendly car exhibition and experience programs are expanding in this Motor Show to present the global trends in the automotive industry. Electric cars, fuel cell vehicles, plug-in hybrid cars, hybrid cars, and a large number of environmentally friendly cars such exhibits compact electric vehicle, electric cargo truck, which is eco-friendly car ride event will be held to experience some electric vehicles.
Autonomous car exhibition and experience programs are also expanding. The car manufacturers showcase the autonomous car technology introduced. Naver is particularly demonstrated by the image data acquisition process of autonomous vehicles on display, while the autonomous car is being developed. Autonomous car ride proceeds with events around the exhibition hall in the general road (4km) to collaborate with the Seoul National University.
In addition, this motor show, this autonomous technology such as autonomous driving car on display, highway automatic steering support integrated safety systems (HDA) is enlarged on display. Location-based services, such as online car also introduce IT convergence technology. In particular, the 'Convergence Alliance Automotive, IT-related companies and organizations belong to decorate a separate' Alliance teukbyeolgwan ', the Korea Electronics Technology Institute and the Korea Automotive Technology Institute participated at the same time as a symbol of research collaboration.
During the period of the Auto Show, cars and IT Convergence Seminar "corresponding to the fourth round of industrial revolution in Korea Electronic Industry Promotion Agency is also co-host. Therefore geumbeon Motor Show exhibit is built based on the convergence of the automotive and IT industries it is having significance.
Gimyonggeun make a valuable opportunity for the Seoul Motor Show Organizing Committee Chairman, "provides information about the current and future of cars to visitors companion of everyday life through this Motor Show and at the same time students, can also help with career and career choices of young people She "and" said it would also be prepared for the event with no comparable experience in a variety of family entertainment and provide a spring outing. "
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[Financiers Talk] "high dividend bank?" Union Bank Chairman figured voices

[South Korea's Choice Financial newspaper reporter] 'equity and improvement of the Bank, high asset quality, provisioning high, even if the scale is the year that the dividend How about one or another.'
Hayounggu was national president of Union Bank (pictured) represents the banking industry to comment on this ongoing debate, including press conferences last 20 days out in the 'high dividend banking', 'foreign shareholders were satisfied group.
Hayounggu jipeot president basically said "Korea is one of around a low dividend payout countries worldwide. And chairman explained, "is to have the stocks to invest in attractive dividend 'said' is not growth stocks, especially banks.
Hayounggu Chairman of claims may be interpreted as position on the controversy taking place only if the dividend season. Even though the Bank of unique privileges in situations where more than half of the dividend and the shareholders of foreign investment policy to maximize shareholder is standing in the midst of controversy.
Financial authorities are situations that require a high dividend to refrain from financial institutions. Global financial impact than past earnings scale banking crisis has reduced the relatively high dividend, but it does slow down the gyeonggyegam about the risk of expanding the risk.
Jinungseop Financial Supervisory Service is' it is desirable to maintain an appropriate level of capital through a reasonable dividend policy "in the meeting with commercial bankers in November last year and has said. The pool is to be taken into account that a wide range of enhanced global financial regulatory environment, including Basel Ⅲ enforcement, strengthening regulatory risk-weighted assets, IFRS9 introduced.
Of course, should keep the dividend is lower fidelity capital, asset quality, "it said chairman hayounggu limited. And President said "It is a varied country banks, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) capital adequacy ratio up to 11-18%, said 'it is good to see off dividends to suit the situation of the bank. KB Financial, Shinhan Financial Group, including domestic dividend payout is 20-25% level. Somewhat higher than the government's main shareholder, the Industrial Bank.
A position that should be focused on enhancing the corporate value of the financial institution through dividends. Hayounggu President emphasized, "should be to create a steady dividend consistent dividends, capital soundness strong bank."
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SPC Group "win-win scholarships, the accumulated over 10 billion won

[Korea gimeunji financial newspaper reporter] SPC Group is a cumulative scholarship payments intended for part-time students and more than 100 merchants representing two children, respectively. SPC Group is 21 days Sindaebang-dong in Seoul future creation SPC SPC Hall won the opening ceremony, the 11th SPC happy Scholarship "was delivered 50% of the tuition fees for part-time college students in more than 100 scholarships.
SPC scholarship is happy to have chosen Paris Baguette, Baskin Robbins, of part-time college students working in groups SPC stores such as Dunkin 'Donuts, Debt 200 people per year (100 per semester) system that supports 50% of the tuition.
SPC Group has transferred to the 1.56 billion won scholarships to a total of 938 students so far since the start of the first half of 2012.
In addition, SPC Group has been stretched out to win support projects such as scholarships, which also represents the brand franchise based around college scholarships for children from Paris Baguette merchants representing children in high school, from 2012 to 2004.
SPC Group has selected 10% of the public in the second half of 2011 recruits among part-time students.
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"Intoxication assault, three South Hanwha gimdongseon older one years imprisonment

[Korea gimeunji financial newspaper reporter] drunken state prison a year older was the third son of Mr. charged with assault and Hanwha Group Chairman Kim Seung-yeon passed on trial for the bar workers damaged a patrol car to gimdongseon.
Prosecutors said guhyeongryang like this in the 22 days trial open to the psychology of the Central District Court Chief Judge, Seoul Criminal yijongwoo 10 alone.
Kim was indicted last month, 4:00 a.m. arrested on assault charges, including assaulting employees special two people getting drunk at a bar located in the Gangnam Police patrol arrested the process of tearing the party seat. At the time Kim has threatened to bar employees were brandishing a flask survey on the head with hands that price.
Kim admitted all the prosecution's appeals fact was a suspect newspapers course in "I want to victims like to sincerely sorry to think and boepgo find just apologized," he said "this much reflection and thinking through the jail life, this again in the future this will prevent frivolous and irresponsible, "he said.
Who was in charge of New Growth Strategy Team Leader of Hanwha he convey the meaning of an apology for the loss of the honor of Hanwha nine days last month just after he expressed his appreciation redemption.
Mr. Kim's sentencing hearing will be held on March 8th 10:00 AM come.
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Yuilho "Determining the next five years, the fourth industrial revolution corresponds to the future."

[Korea financial newspaper choice is a reporter] Minister of Strategy and Finance President yuilho Deputy Prime Minister (photo), 22 days 'Given the pace of development and pageupryeok of the fourth industrial revolution is our future depends on how the next five years corresponding' he said.
Yuilho Deputy Prime Minister chaired a public-private joint control tower of the new 'Fourth Industrial Revolution Strategy Committee and one meeting in Uiwang Institute and Hyundai Wia Wednesday morning told reporters.
Fourth Industrial Revolution Strategy Committee is composed of 29 people, including the Minister of Education, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister yuilho Future Creation Science Minister, Industry Minister normal relations, including ministers, technology, economy, industry, employment, civil society members. Once quarterly, it will open the discussion to hold a meeting from time to time when necessary.
Yuilho Deputy Prime Minister Direction 'January last year, the World Economic Forum (WEF) newbie surprise that not a year raised in the fourth round of industrial revolution has emerged as a global buzzword' said 'to be through the Fourth Industrial Revolution Strategy Committee must move the public and private sectors establish a vision and will pursue the challenges presented by five years focused 'he said.
First, establish our position and orientation corresponding to the current understanding of Korea, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the major economies, the leader (first mover) strategy focuses on reshaping to fit our economic and social system in the fourth round of industrial revolution.
Research and development (R & D) and education system reform, platform shoes, smart magazine said degree of industry. The role of government is caught in an open innovation platform, connections.
The composition also hinder improvement of the regulatory environment, investment and private enterprises to enter the market with incentives.
Yuilho Deputy Prime Minister said that "through the opinions of departmental civilian experts discuss future plans and announce comprehensive measures for the fourth industrial revolution over the next corresponding strategy committee.
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Hanwha Life 'Happy Friends Youth Corps' volunteer activities in Indonesia

[Korea gimmingyeong financial newspaper reporter] 'Happy Friends Youth Corps' operational life of Hanwha recently found in Indonesia has supported the independence of the youth.
A schedule of Hanwha Life Happy Friends dozen youth volunteers five days from the last 20 days, representing a healthy cheongsonyeonsang found the Surabaya region of Indonesia. Volunteers are swamped in botaego the independence of the youth academy to help, and conducts various activities, such as preparing meals for the infant's health centers, local cultural exchanges.
Surabaya is a big city, but a lot of young people who have abandoned their studies because of the gap between rich and poor is a poor area where severe.
Hanwha Life is in the process of youth entrepreneurship courses in 2015 to assist the economic independence of Indonesia most vulnerable youth. Local young people and to learn directly participating in the Academy courses such as food manufacturing and selling the goods. Based on the acquired skills is a process that helps to generate income through future employment ∙ business.
Volunteers participating directly in the Academy came up with the local youth and the food manufacturing process. Spent time with their peers in learning food production techniques.
In addition, the section will also learn traditional regional dances and musical instruments, traditional dance performances Korea and South Korea prepared foods had the time of cultural exchanges.
Happy Friends Youth Volunteers gimnarae (18 years, Chungbuk acid remaining) amount of "not easy things to see make a stuffing of foreign direct was worthwhile do you think there is a little help from spent with Indonesian friends can be an opportunity for a new challenge," said a comment .
Students participated in the volunteer activities the students are chosen by excellent activity during the past year more than 400 youth volunteers Happy Friends.
Happy Friends Youth Volunteer Corps Hanwha Life and World Vision was founded in January 2006,
4,000 youth volunteers have been deployed for the past 11 years sharing activities, such as orphanages, solitary seniors, low-income families visiting for the welfare of neighbors. It also lasts for cultural exchanges with that country through international youth volunteer activities such as Vietnam, Albania, Kenya.
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Lotte, distribution, food yiwonjun Chapter BU BU chapter yijaehyeok ... Vice promotion

[Korea financial newspaper gimeunji reporters] to open the Board of Directors of the Lotte Group, a distribution and service and finance sector affiliates 22 days exceptional personnel have been shuffled promoted to yiwonjun Lotte Department Store, President and yijaehyeok Lotte Chilsung President Vice President of the final regular office personnel . Also elected two vice gotta respective chapters sikpumwa distribution sector (BU) vice-president and the rank and production is also salpige.
Yiwonjun elected as vice-president, it was in charge of distribution BU chapter jungchaek to implement a high-mart and Lotte Shopping, Lotte, Korea Seven, Lotte Home Shopping, such as the dot-com synergy of distributors consisting of department stores, supermarket, cinema, ropseu Mart division.
BU 21 days to appoint a Chapter yijaehyeok food while also promoted to vice president of Lotte Confectionery and Lotte Chilsung Beverage & Liquor BG · Lotteria, Lotte food and food that's been governing the domestic and international business.
Vice yiwonjun while moving the seat to the Chapter distribution BU ganghuitae China affairs division sentence was to Lotte Department representatives accredited with the president promoted. River accredited representative is known as a product manager, MD · Jamsil chapter headquarters, product general manager, International division and commodity experts harsh sentences to China.
Hi-Mart representatives Finite element was promoted to president. Since 2015 the chairwoman was undertaken consistently recognized achievements point the quantitative and qualitative growth.
Lotte Bussan had affairs with as CEO to replace nobyeongyong business representatives bakhyeoncheol General Manager promoted to vice president. Night accredited representatives contributed to the completion of the Lotte World Tower nobyeongyong help the president, was stable led dot praised the organization between President Roh emptied the place since last June.
Lotte Card has a gimchanggwon affairs representative of Lotte Asset Development's successor, President chaejeongbyeong. Kim accredited representatives, including through the chairwoman take the Korea Development Bank has since its foundation in 2007, Lotte Asset Development, has successfully performed the major development projects of the group.
Lotte Asset Development is accredited as a representative of the yigwangyoung Leasing Division, it was promoted from within. The new representatives are known to be completed by designing the entire project from initial MD Lotte World Mall.
Do yongdeuk representative of Lotte Data Communication was promoted to Vice President. Do not have a representative in IT director of Lotte Group, a reputation that reliably support the IT infrastructure and operational organization of the Group expanded and introduced the Omni channel.
Jojaeyong representative of Lotte City emal was promoted to Managing Director in recognition of the significant improvements that the annual profit after a year in charge chairwoman in 2014, Korea Fujifilm was the intervention bakhoseong managing director of Lotte Mart as the new representative.
Lotte organization, strategy, future business strategy research center that Lotte was changing its name to Lotte future Institute for Strategic Studies, was promoted to Managing Director yijinseong.
Meanwhile, HR executives a total of 22 days five women were elected officers and promotion. Seonwooyoung the Online Division of Hi-Mart that is completed the re-building online mall, Lotte Mart hanjihyeon Home Furnishings Division was promoted to Managing Director in recognition that the product mix led innovation.
Lotte Mart jeongseonmi sangmubo B has also promoted one step in recognition of its expertise in the field of education. Lotte Department Store yiseolah Legal Director, Lotte Super josugyeong online division sentence was a new officer.
BU hotels and other greeting cards are expected to be announced Monday.
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February MPC base rate freeze as long as the dominant views

[South Korea's Choice Financial News Reporter] This view prevails will this month to freeze the base rate of 1.25% in the current year in the direction of the Bank of Korea Monetary Policy Committee meeting to be held 23 monetary policy.
The Bank of Korea is currently ahead of MPC meeting freeze seventh month after made the benchmark interest rate to 1.25% in June last year to 1.5% a year.
As long as one maintains the level of interest rate hikes, given the trend in household debt exceeded one trillion won 1300 while the financial markets in the US Federal Reserve (Fed) and the observed high expectation to watch the situation. If the reference interest rate hikes and increased household debt burden iteoseoda could worsen the already shrinking of the people's economy.
According to the Bank of Korea late last year, household credit balances surged 141.2 trillion won (11.7%) than in 1344 tighten the end of 2015 300 billion won (1203 1000 1 trillion won). As long as one is this balance since 2002, began to come up statistics household credit exceeded 1,300 trillion won for the first time.
Financial Investment Association predicts that 99 percent of respondents base rate freeze in February, a survey of 200 people recent bond market professionals.
On the other hand, the recent international investment bank (IB) are also standard bar embellish the voice of a rate cut this year, the Bank of Korea. In particular, Morgan Stanley predicts that there is gotta cut benchmark interest rates three times this year in an annual record low of 1.25% a year could go down to 0.50%. The pool is so pessimistic that the report of the internal and external political and economic situation, South Korea.
Another US interest rate hike of US interest rate hikes in earnest late last year, the Federal Reserve (Fed) also seems to be a key variable. Based on current interest rates in the United States opened 0.50 ~ 0.75% benchmark interest rate is 1.25% a year in Korea. The United States is capable of reversing the situation when interest rates carried out a rate hike this year, 2-3 times.
In a small open positions and even businessmen Korea border exchange rate volatility due to sudden capital outflows.
In addition to interest rate decisions gather interested in the MPC press conference immediately after the BOK governor Lee Ju-yeol. Etc. April designated "currency manipulator" in a situation report released ahead of the exchange rate likely to come in the US Treasury has spread to the major issues in the foreign exchange market.
Meanwhile, government bonds last 21 days ahead of the Bank of Korea Monetary Policy Committee meeting showed two weak (yields rise). 21, 2010 in Seoul, the bond market maturity Treasury bond yield ended the three-year deal 0.1bp to 1.671%, up from the previous day. The rise in bond yields mean falling bond prices. 5-year interest rate closed at 1.886 percent, up 0.6bp.
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Exchange "Tesla switch to requirements such as KOSDAQ, attract simsaseo"

The [financial newspaper goyounghun Korea News] Korea Exchange KOSDAQ Market Division is a diversified growth company traded routes, including improved entry system in accordance with company policies fostering growth this year, technology type.
Exchange KOSDAQ Division today announced the opening press conference at Yoido 22 days the listed doors Enlarge improve the KOSDAQ market institutions such as the Tesla requirements through the introduction in January of this year. When Tesla requirement is even if growth prospects of companies referred to special public deficit is to allow the public system. Listed as a promising growth-oriented assessment of the future rather than the past financial performance, it captured a willingness to actively promote the KOSDAQ market entry of innovative companies.
This approach is extended to 5 listed in the previous track 2 Track. Public policy should also switch from traditional "entry examination" to "attract traded.
JJ Exchange KOSDAQ Division explained, "in two general public and special public were added to the Tesla requirements in the general public" and "exemption listed in the technical evaluation exemption is extended to the business model enterprise is established the IB recommended special."
JJ Division is "determined to go public bid target clearly superior technology company, industry leading companies, the fourth industrial companies proceed to such subject focus and diversify nationality of listed foreign companies to the Asian blue chip companies, the targets abroad to attract domains such as advanced foreign enterprises will expand, "he said.
Singapore next month, April, the United Kingdom, the United States in June, the second half of Vietnam, Indonesia, sets out to attract new excavation areas such as Australia, Germany, is the plan.
He said, "I will also promote expansion of consultation and derived headquarters KOSDAQ options product development and individual stock futures" "IR program also diversified and KOSDAQ 150 sector ETF, the theme will be diversified investment vehicles to ETF development on the KOSDAQ companies," he said he said.
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Insurance advertising, "Lee Soon-jae 'float is' Seolhyun'

There [Korea gimmingyeong financial newspaper reporter] is increasingly becoming difficult for insurers advertising model. In just a few years ago after a heavy middle-aged actors are on the front line that was different than the 'trust' and stressed the 'responsibility'.
Dongbu Insurance has appointed a member of the girl group AOA Seolhyun last year, online direct auto insurance model. Advertising contract period is until the first half of this year, but that Dongbu has reportedly reviewing a positive stand on a contract extension Prefecture.
According to industry sources consider the characteristics of the lower online auto insurance customer Dongbu age after replacing an existing model, which was Seolhyun actor Ji Jin-hee won the positive response from the rating.
Samsung Fire and Gong Hyo-jin was chosen as this year's models. Gong Hyo-jin is across the home theater and the last screen myeongbulheojeon 'Rocco goddess' and establish itself as an actor.
Gong Hyo-jin is to turn into workers 'gongdaeri' in stylish office look at this year's Samsung Fire & Advertising Direct economic ideas has emerged as a distinct smart women.
Hyundai has appointed the Son Ye-jin in hayika direct advertising model. Son Ye-jin emphasized the smart consumer to choose the appearance of 'Satisfaction' high auto insurance online.
The evaluation was graceful and calm image of an actress hired to direct consumers to experience and evaluate the experience to effectively convey the message that an important factor in selecting auto insurance.
Which is thus difficult aspects of the advertising model ages is evident in the insurance auto insurance industry is extremely competitive.
Insurance industry officials "can benefit from the brand image and product renewal while promoting enhanced hired young artists' spiral will star in marketing to capture the attention of consumers, that analysis, while he explained.
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One card, "one money GO 'stand up to ₩ 30,000 annual fee card support

[Korea before lower cervical financial newspaper reporter] support annual fee when a card is issued, one money GO 'cards with up to 3 million.
One card said that with the first 22 days of augmented reality (AR), one service member's Money One coupon service that issued the card annual fee during the "One Money GO 'return up to ₩ 30,000 financial services.
"One Money GO 'services is characterized to receive the benefits of real-time KEB, Hana Bank and other financial services affiliates around you.
You can get a variety of offers, and currently through the 'One Money GO' KEB, Hana Bank preferential exchange rates and interest rates, Seven-Eleven coffee and chocolate cans, Paris Baguette vouchers, CGV combo set.
Recently one annual fee card issuance with a coupon to return money one has strengthened further benefits. Guests can receive benefits simply and easily from anywhere grab the coupons in a single annual fee money by running around "one money GO 'after one member's connected apps.
Main also has returned an annual fee of one money.
Customers with an annual fee only one credit card being the first card issued by one or more times through one website until the end of the month up to ₩ 30,000 Money will return to one.
Hongpiltae one card Future Business Division is "Recent media and platform inde trend Guests enjoy simply with, as well as providing benefits and information of fun and enjoyment in accordance with various becomes, guests through the" One Money GO 'are able to directly experience because you can enjoy a variety of benefits will be able to catch two rabbits, "he said" reflects the more FUN element in the future "one money GO 'and be equipped with a benefit for the needs of guests for anyone to be a satisfying service It said it would. "
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[HR] Lotte Group
◇ Chapter BU, CEO and units Chapter promotion
Food Section Lotte Group Vice President BU △ yijaehyeok
Lotte Group Vice Chairman Distribution BU △ Chapter yiwonjun
△ ㈜ Lotte Department Store Division CEO, president affairs ganghuitae
△ Hi-Mart President and CEO Finite element ㈜
△ Lotte Data Communication ㈜ CEO Vice President Matthew yongdeuk
△ Lotte Bussan ㈜ CEO of affairs vice president bakhyeoncheol
△ Lotte City emal ㈜ CEO Executive jojaeyong
△ Lotte future strategy Executive Institute yijinseong
◇ CEO and chapters show units
△ ㈜ Lotte Card CEO VP intervention gimchanggwon
△ Lotte Asset Development ㈜ CEO intervention Managing yigwangyoung
△ Korea Fujifilm ㈜ CEO intervention Managing bakhoseong
◇ Lotte Shopping
△ president yunjongmin
△ vice president imbyeongyeon
△ Executive jeongdonghyeok, namchanghui, gosuchan, yiseokhwan
△ former executive format, hwanggyuwan, jeongyunseong, songjeongho, gimchangyong, hanjihyeon, yiseonghak
△ A sangmubo yihyeonggyu, Lee, Yong - Hwan, the current jonghyeok, Kim, Sang Soo, imseongmin, jeongseonmi, gimjongun, the terrain can, bakingu, gimseokgyun, Young Hwan Lee, gimhongcheol
△ B sangmubo Nam Seung-woo, Kim Sun-min, Lee Jong-seok, heojonguk, Choi, gimduwon, yunyeoje, sinseongbin, yiseolah, Kim, Young - Joon, Sang - Jin, Hsinchu hundred fold minimum, jeonggyeongil, gimseonggwan, josugyeong, gimbyeongmun, Song River, jeonggyeongjae, touching Hoon, nine choeman
◇ Lotte Bussan
△ Business jeonghoseok
△ A sangmubo yiganghun
◇ Lotte Data Communication
△ Business nojunhyeong
△ A sangmubo Kim Hyun - Soo
△ B sangmubo South molt, ohyoungsik, goduyoung, yunyeosam
◇ modern information technology
△ B sangmubo Park Chan-hee
◇ Hi-Mart
△ Executive magnificent species
△ Business hwangyounggeun, seonwooyoung
△ sangmubo A five maengjung
△ sangmubo B Lee Jae-hak, yichanil
◇ Lotte Asset Development
△ Business bakchangyeon, anhomyeong
△ A sangmubo baekunjae
△ sangmubo B bakjunuk, jeongdongpil
◇ Lotte Card
△ Business choedonggeun, the earth
△ A sangmubo gimjeonghwan
◇ Lotte Insurance
△ A sangmubo Lee Dong Wook, gimyounggap
△ sangmubo B bakyunhyeon, jeongwongyo, yijanghwan, gangseongdae
◇ Lotte Capital
△ A sangmubo baekseungcheol
△ sangmubo B jangjunyeon
◇ Lotte Members
△ A sangmubo gimtaehong
◇ Korea Fujifilm
△ sangmubo B heoingu
Lotte ◇ BP Chemicals
△ Jung Dong-hwan A sangmubo
△ sangmubo B Kim, Jong - Hwa
Lotte City ◇ emal
△ sangmubo B bakyangjun
◇ Lotte Central Laboratory
△ Business Park, Sang - Hyun;
△ sangmubo B yangsiyoung, bakjongcheol
◇ Lotte Trading
△ A sangmubo imyoungtaek
◇ Lotte Future Strategy Institute
△ A sangmubo simmyeongseop
◇ Lotte Accelerator
△ A sangmubo gimyoungdeok
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A financial investment point ISU held domestic and overseas gifts gift free lectures

[Korea hyerin nine financial newspaper reporter] that a financial investment point ISU coming Saturday 25 am to 2 pm, Mapo-gu, Seoul held a "national gift / gifts abroad free lecture" Social Welfare Center in Korea said six layers 20 days.
The lecture is free and presents lectures to the domestic one point ISU financial investment and securities broadcasting real-Stark aimed at investors who are interested in international co-hosted a gift.
The instructor will lecture contents, etc. The famous 'derived stick' expert lectures as futures and options, options on futures first half of 2017 investment strategy and practical marketing tips, marketing systems revenue disclosure practices.
Lectures are available by prior application to participate up to 200 people, and are you participating in the inquiry and apply for financial investment ISU one point.
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