[Korea before lower cervical financial newspaper reporter] NH Agricultural cards will be released olwon page.
Agricultural NH cards today introduced the ease of use and 'olwon page "enhanced card payment safety of existing mobile apps announced Monday.
When you install the app, register, pay olwon NH cooperatives cards can be conveniently without cash or credit card payment only smartphones. Discount, the same applies also receive benefits such as earning batdeon from the existing card.
To overcome the shortcomings of the existing payment app features quick-pay for reduced payment time is applied, in the case of off-line (on-site payment) settlement is within 5 seconds.
The NH All Agricultural card payment is available to PC · Mobile Mall Of course, using a one-time virtual card number at 20 005 thousand offline merchants it is possible to secure payment.
NH Agricultural cards will also continue to celebrate the launch olwon pay, cash back and many events NH card at the Agricultural Facebook accordance with the payment targets guests.
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