[Korea Jeongseon financial newspaper reporters: "There is concern insolvency case to expand lending recklessly handled while lending operation experience or insufficient information on the Zhongxin user market."
Kim, Young - Kee FSS banking sector buwonjangbo (photo) this year, ahead of the business starting with the premise that the hope of successful early stabilization of the Internet specialized bank "junggeumri market is not simply a reaction to the interest rate is lower only" and "Big Data based on new rating risk management, such as the use of the model emphasized the will should exercise fully prepared. "
FSS Savings Bank Supervision, through the cross still Supervision, etc. in charge of the banking sector since October last year, Kim, Young - Kee buwonjangbo director of achieving multiple eopgwon household debt on the basis of supervisory experience, industry structure new pin Tech (FinTech) financial stability to the sector from adjustments She poured on the power.
◇ Digital Financial Times ... "Assured pin Tech 'director
Financial authorities are reported to be accelerated than the "digitization of finance confirmed non-face-to-face blindness introduction of biometric applications, mobile business expansion, leveraging Big Data" Internet bank launched a professional occasion. Kim, Young - Kee buwonjangbo said, "will come up with new product launches supervision measures against irregular heart of the current supervisory regulations of the offline criteria to check that does not become an obstacle to growth and improved pin-tech internet banking professional."
The "Customer information disclosure, including computerized accident potential risks proactively manage" policy to. Kim, Young - Kee buwonjangbo explained that "to provide a smartphone, tablet, such as the branch channel internal control guidelines will focus to build the foundation for financial services consumers fins tech safe to use."
If the conditions of professional Internet banking "before coming to a number of existing financial institutions operating in the Internet considerable skill level is quite long already competitive," he said diagnosis. Kim, Young - Kee buwonjangbo predicts that "innovative financial services that come will be able to settle successfully."
Kim, Young - Kee buwonjangbo relatively adverse selection react jeosinyongja only if "the microfinance market lending traders are also studies that rather more sensitive to the limit rather than the interest rate", "three loan rates in the high-yield market to competition means (adverse selection ) may also cause problems. "he also mentioned the point.
Of course, the financial authorities are expecting the possibility of internet banking professional in the "CITIC difficult to get loans from commercial banks smoothly users, junggeumri credit for small business." Kim, Young - Kee buwonjangbo said, "to think that traditional banks are not utilizing the data source will also require verification period for new credit rating model."
◇ 'strict' restructuring emphasize ... "Provision faithfully"
"The credit quality classifications do not think it goes through a compromise with the bank."
That shipbuilding, among Kim, Young - Kee buwonjangbo that the shipping industry restructuring progresses, look at the "In the past financial crisis cases risk management issues for individual banks may only have a profound effect on the stability of the entire financial system, rather than affecting only the soundness of the bank the experienced, "said" there is a need to recognize that the bank is properly credited to the bad early to assess the credit risk provisions and faithful of their assets to prepare for the next future risks, "he said.
In the corporate restructuring process credit quality classification is a "sensitive issue affecting income and loan loss provisions" of the bank. Quality classification is divided into normal, precautionary, fixed steps, doubtful and estimated loss based on criteria such as ability to repay debt and overdue period. But need to gain the top credit losses, for example, one must build an additional allowance in preparation for when the 'precautionary' ratings downgraded by losses in 'normal'. The financial authorities "do not clean up after a rainy day Umbrella" is samgo that in principle, but "The recession should be rigorously evaluated repayment ability in situations that can be protracted," is the explanation.
Kim, Young - Kee buwonjangbo is "difficult when only the boulders properly garyeoya no allocation of resources is not distorted" and "concentrated the funding on which a viable competitive corporate economic responsiveness also occurs corporate restructuring, depending on the industry situation to ever properly classified soundness as corporate I think that emphasized a more strictly pursue. "
◇ household debt, bank asset quality, protect vulnerable borrowers to-track
The household debt bishop "to strengthen the banking sector, as well as growth through a comprehensive response to the management of household loans outstanding second financial plan." Kim, Young - Kee buwonjangbo is "lots of while dealing with the bank at the same time if you are dealing with non-bank, or banks, shall be made a loan in the non-bank or repayment ability range" and "non-banking sector is the Banking Regulation and by the terms and conditions that are more burden to consumers does not only consider the dozens of household debt should be approached to see the whole picture until the balloon part effects, "he explained.
Build a mainly microeconomic database (DB) in the direction gotta limited to business loans to cover in conjunction with the self-employed loan is also "Credit rating agencies (CB) that determine the status and even household loans are self-employed sector, eopryeok stars, in various forms, such as by borrower age I decided to analyze ".
Regulators are looking at the impact and response capability based on the scenario will have on household debt, including interest rates, real estate prices in stress tests. In particular, low-income jeosinyong are concerned, the household debt of the borrower vulnerable to multiple debts. "To expand the '119 credit program" Applies running for the banking credit to the mortgage and the second financial "plans.
Kim, Young - Kee buwonjangbo is "If the loan interest rate hike of vulnerable borrowers delinquent or bad is bound to be increased of course," she diagnostics, "The effects of these shocks are the responsiveness of the bank's asset quality side and vulnerable households borrower protection issues will be at the same time issue because you must go to the track corresponding to the projection, "he said.
Spreads on loans rise in interest rates keynote buwonjangbo Kim, Young - Kee said, "may be involved in protecting consumer rights dimension." Buwonjangbo Kim explained that "always concerned about what will make sense to operate in the interest rate system" "It's inde premise that principle does not intervene individually in the financial institution market price reasonably be operating loan rates system," he said.
◇ uncertainties monitoring ... "Stress tests elaborate"
Kim, Young - Kee buwonjangbo this year, the financial supervisory environment "there are uncertainties, such as interest rates rise, soybean growing trade protectionism," he summarized. Kim buwonjangbo said, "internal and external uncertain environment is supervised directly risk-based that can enhance the proactive ability to change," said "will be monitored constantly in quality inspection center in a line that does not add burden to the bank."
FSS is the main goal this year the level of advanced countries, "sangsihwa stress tests and plans to refine the model." In fact, the United States, European Union (EU) If results are insufficient to conduct a stress test may take supervisory measures such as dividend restrictions.
Kim, Young - Kee buwonjangbo is "stress test a number of assumptions intervention reliability of the test results in terms of analytical techniques, objectivity is not easy to obtain," said "the industry, the Task Force with experts (TF) reliability, objectivity, through the operation, sophistication will continue to continued efforts to secure outgoing, "he said.
The financial authorities are determined to be one, "the current level of capital adequacy of domestic banks is a good level." Kim, Young - Kee buwonjangbo said, "through a stress test for potential internal and external risks will check the loss absorption capacity of domestic banks."
Strengthen global capital standards should also actively respond. Basel Ⅲ regulation is being applied last gotta introduced in December 2013 in Korea 2016-2 1 raised the minimum capital ratio by 4 minutes per year over four years during 2019.
Kim, Young - Kee buwonjangbo is "one regulatory standards agreed in the Basel Committee plans to pursue a domestic adoption as scheduled," he said, "but the regulatory standards designed mainly developed in collaboration with the banking industry to prevent problems unforeseen occur in the process of applying to the country and configure the working group seeking to influence future analysis and response measures, including the introduction of the regulation in various angles, "he said.
< Education >
- In February 1981, Anton graduated from Central High School
- In February 1988, Yeungnam University Department of Business Administration graduate
- August 1999, Sungkyunkwan University Master of Business Administration
- In February 2004, Sungkyunkwan University Ph.D.
< career >
- From 1981 to 1998, the Bank of Korea, Financial Planning Bureau Director Bureau improvement
- May 7, 1999, the FSS non-banking Supervision
- In January 2005, the Financial Supervisory Service Inspection Team sponsors
- In April 2007, the Financial Supervisory Service director still room Team
- May 2011, the Financial Supervisory Service Savings Bank Supervision Bureau Deputy Director
- May 2012, the Financial Supervisory Service Mutual still Supervision Bureau
- 4 May 2014, the FSS director regional center director
- February '10 March 2015-2016, the Financial Supervisory Service buwonjangbo (business general manager)
- 10 May 2016 - Today, the Financial Supervisory Service buwonjangbo (bank charge)
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