Monday, March 13, 2017

Hyundai Card, digital paradigm corporate culture

[Korea financial newspaper reporter before lower cervical Hyundai Card has changed the way we work in order to advance to the digital fee-based financial services across the board.

Modern cards are hard and fast changing corporate culture as autonomous and efficient work atmosphere in a conservative financial institutions. Hyundai Card will ban its use PPT, casual work attire allowed.

Hyundai Card is aware of the importance of the digital future food and has opened an office in Silicon Valley during the first years of domestic financial institutions in 2015. Silicon Valley office in Camp Digital has a role to explore the world and combines the latest technology in a leading financial services technology and techniques. This year is the establishment of a second digital camp in Beijing. It strives to build a new digital ecosystem. PG sign "Blue Walnut, create your own digital ecosystem in various subsidiaries, also conducted a more organically out of work and the digital camp in Silicon Valley and Beijing (to be established 2017).

Here's to attract co-working space studio black and more than 100 digital start-up the pin Beta plans to build a new digital ecosystem.

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