[Korea gimmingyeong financial newspaper reporter] can think FSS, Samsung, Hanwha, a suicide unpaid claims Kyobo's castration of the controversial "equity", including sales made some stops on the jungjinggye life.
23 days FSS issued a chief executive officer (CEO) liberal warnings and stop some operations, such as Samsung, Hanwha, jungjinggye in Kyobo Life Insurance Some payments have promised to commit suicide by opening the Sanctions Committee.
Accordingly, the Big Three insurers have been unable to sell the flagship products such as 1-3 months Accidental Death ensure that the life insurance included. In particular, Samsung Life is reportedly a big hit, etc. jaesinim Kim, Chang - Soo, President of the Board of Directors reappointed determined to be opaque.
The Financial Supervisory Service had imposed with a penalty 8 billion 300 million 9000 million won ~ 9000 million won four each. Down exactly sure what level of disciplinary sanctions by each insurance company did not say simuiwi suicide just before full payment claims the doctor said Kyobo reportedly determined the sanctions rather low level for life.
In particular, suicide claims three unpaid four horsemen of Samsung Life Insurance is one of the highest levels for sanctions promised payment largest. Samsung Life said in a somyeongseo last month it would pay the unpaid insurance suicide September 2014 FSS are based on the recommendations made payment for unpaid claims suicides from 2012 to 2014 for our customers. Also it starring agreed to fund the Foundation for Suicide Prevention outstanding cases from January 24, 2011 made possible sanctions such as fines for the violation of the Terms of Insurance Business until September 05, 2012.
This is the count returned all original Hanwha, Kyobo Life Insurance two suicides that occurred after September de facto commitment to an expanded position than payment for unpaid cases since January 24, 2011 2012.
However, despite the efforts of these Samsung Life Insurance and Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) it decided in Samsung Life △ Chief Executive Officer (CEO) censure warning, △ suspended sales of some jungjinggye the highest level of the three companies, including three months. Insurance industry officials 'getnya will not getdaneun swallowing a two FSS example by lowering the high sanction strength in the industry No. 1 Samsung Life' and predicted for this care.
Such sanctions Financial Supervisory this forced bulgeojil 'equity' controversial compared to the precedent by imposing only fines of 100 to 700 million won five companies, including last year's suicide claims the MetLife does not pay on time, Hungkuk, Shinhan · PCA · Chubb Life Life It is not the situation. In particular, the FSS has not put up any sanctions for the suicide death disaster guaranteed to sell on the goods contained in the Postal Insurance, as Rider and private insurers. Postal Insurance is Samsung and Kyobo Life Insurance, Hanwha, and also devoid ileon hemisphere about suicide, some insurance payments paid or former cases, like other insurers.
The information passed by the sanctions simuiwi of the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) is determined by the financial wiwonhoeeul. Officials said it would be referred to the sanctions in circumference inside the Finance Committee. Plenary Session of the Finance Committee seems to be jejaean for these insurers within at least 22 days as scheduled for next month, 8 and 22 final.
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