[Korea before lower cervical financial newspaper reporters - one card has been strengthening its mobile business around the importance of the mobile platform, "one 1Q and pay increases as in the card industry.
"One 1Q pay '(hereinafter' 1Q pay ') is a newly launched card integration platform to integrate with existing mobile payment app simple' Moby and pay with one card use notification service App" Moby box.
1Q page was expanded to offline payment services, including bar code in the existing settlement areas previously available only online payment, NFC payment will be expanded to the future. Be released 1Q only on application and enabled 'one member's point alone mobile card' pay to shop online with a money held as "one money dedicated prepaid card" concept and will offer to offline payment service next bar codes.
Payment function provided as well as the card utilization notifications for free PUSH messages and use notifications one per 'get' 1 each provided by one each time a customer find the money, OK cash back points earned or '' get another 'auto-apply for services do.
"Also get 'the page during 1Q members' lotto' 'get' to get another check only provides a one game (six random numbers). The actual winning numbers are announced every Saturday narum Lotto 6/45 lottery numbers are 1 and 100, only one Money, Money 2 and 50, only one, three, etc., etc. 100 004 300 Money, Money is provided with five, including one 30.
There are also coupons must pay 1Q and event area, and all offers from a single card can be checked and issued in 1Q page, ensure that the event goes from one card can be of course to apply. Alliance members pay only for 1Q '1Q PASS' invitation is an essential O2O services to customers based on Big Data, and the guests personalized service that allows you to easily pay up.
'1Q PASS' The 11th Street (shopping), Wemakeprice (shopping), coffee shops (real estate), grapefruit (oiling), which provides a service-oriented Everyday tips to use much in the real biochemical activity, such as parking Park (Park), Guest through the analysis of the needs of merchants it plans to gradually increase further in the future a wide variety of industries.
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