Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Cacao, Ali pay and partnership to expand business based forecast - Kiwoom

[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] announced Kiwoom a view to expanding business base pay and Ali alliance for the cacao 22 days.

Cacao has decided to attract $ 200 million from the last 21 days under the Alibaba Group Financial Ant with the injection of cacao page. The new entity will be established in April cacao going to take the form of management control is equipped with a partnership in the future to other services.

Kiwoom gimhakjun researchers "Ali pay domestic merchant 34 000 more than it going consolidation around the cacao pay business base will be expanded" and "Ali visiting Korea pay users to take advantage of online and offline stores over the cacao page gotta have a system that allows users to take advantage of the domestic cocoa Pei Pei Ali overseas merchants are introduced, "he said.

Kim researchers "that during cacao page will be the payment was achieved online center users to expand into offline network expanded through Ali pay merchants" and the "Ali pay merchants take advantage of the available viscosity domestic subscribers to travel abroad from abroad is expected to be helpful, "he said diagnosis.

He said, "because there is not yet an official announcement regarding the details are subject to change views, but the big picture is expected to short-term cost of enlargement, the long-term advertising revenue synergies" and "offline merchants currently obtain is because fewer levels than the competition Easy settlement firms the online and offline merchants for expanding usability analysis was expanded as necessary. "

Following long-term franchise expansion with the user would have a positive outlook indicator was affected by ad sales and other revenues of cacao.

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