Was [Korea financial newspaper gimmingyeong reporter] KB life insurance proceeds over the past 20 days from two days of Yongin Everland Home Bridge Cabin multicultural families, children over 50 people to invite 2 nights and 3 days vacation camp program 'KB Hope Dream Camp in located in.
Already it hits KB Dream Camp Hope is the 12th coming free vacation camp opened since 2011 to improve learning ability and emotional stability of the domestic non-life insurance KB children from multicultural families. The camp came up with 15 adult mentors are 3 days and 2 nights is a partner of children.
KB curriculum Dream Camp Hope was configured to acquire the basic economic principles in a fun game to play with, such as "financial board game, '' Bingo economy. Here it's gotta continue, along with the many programs on a variety of topics that can show off their individuality and added interest of the participants. In particular, two children of multicultural families through the "animal role-play" are conducted for primary PM overcome prejudices and stereotypes from everyday suffering and helped to discover the personality of their own.
KB Dream Camp Hope since 2011 held the first camp conducted a total of 12 times and has been involved with over 600 multicultural families who have children. Heoung KB Insurance CSR said, "and proceed to six years Hope Dream Camp for the emotional stability of multicultural families, children with gradually increasing," said "through the camp I multicultural families, children brought up a great part of our country hope a little help should, "he said.
College students volunteer mentor who participated in the camp along gotta children are "difficult not only recognize who finance, funny insurance, inform guess the economic knowledge to the eye level of the children, of course, I can not help beyond prejudices to find a personality of its own so glad, "he means as a multicultural children's hope and dream camp will grow nicely in Korea cheer hope can achieve their dreams," he said.
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