[Korea's financial standing hyomun newspaper reporter] CJ Korea Express is 21 days from Korea Management Association Consulting (KMAC) surveyed said dwaetdago five consecutive years ranked first in the "Most Admired Companies in South Korea in 2017, integrated logistics services. Most Admired Companies in South Korea hit the target 14 years into the past from 2004 to present the role of preferred companies that properly recognizes the company's social and economic role, and can be trusted and respected in this year takes effect.
CJ Korea Express has reportedly been appreciated that a logistics company leading the domestic logistics industry, which has contributed like promoting economic and industrial development of the country, the people Everyday tips. In particular, socially responsible UNGC for practice enhancement: Last year subscription to the (United Nations Global Compact UN World Business treaty bodies), and by introducing a global social accountability standard for comprehensive global position as a logistics company compliance and continuous and that the authenticity Social Responsibility by actively promoting activities for sustainability, including ensuring the reliability problems in practice was a good score.
CJ Korea Express has been aggressively pursuing business in order to implement the core values of the past three silver courier business development model based on the sharing philosophy of the CJ and job creation, environment-friendly, mutual growth in 2013. Seoul, Busan, Incheon, national and local SH Corporation, including Paju, about noinhoe, had entered into a business agreement with various organizations, including the senior club, it went on to build a partnership for the silver diffusion and senior courier jobs in stages. It has a base of more than 130 across the country, and create 1,000 jobs Senior.
CJ Korea Express is expanding social opportunities for people with developmental disabilities, low-income families, including vulnerable groups based on the silver courier CSV model and continue to expand the daily support to build a senior job creation areas, linking the residents convenience services to existing Silver courier base plan to be.
In addition, the implementation of "courier of Love" event for people with disabilities and veterans countries on a regular basis, and leading the heonhyeoljeung collected through employee donation campaign in the neighborhood, such as love and social contribution to annual donation to the Children's pediatric cancer. Also joseonghae the forest in the city center as proceeds from the sale of honey beekeeping business chaemil through the city, and deployment of greenhouse gas mitigation activities that absorb carbon and improve the urban living environment.
CJ Korea Express representative for the "committed become a global logistics company actively committed to social contribution through the logistics become," said "the future I will write more strength to be a company that is contributing to the logistics industry development, respect to social and economic "he said.
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