Besides [Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] code is participating institutions in Korea Corporate Governance Stewardship current source code website said it was considering to base the 'planning agencies involved.
Corporate Governance circle 13 in the open 'stewardship codes involved are planning agency meeting, "The institutional investors have to bear the fiduciary responsibility to promote the interests of the customer and the beneficiary because operating the others assets," he explains Code introduced significant did.
Oriented long-term development and value enhancement and sustainable growth of investment brightly as active shareholders to be responsible for seeking the opinion that the interests of customers.
Financial Services Commission and the Korea Corporate Governance circle held a "Stewardship Code Authority meeting scheduled to participate, jointly with the day. Stewardship Code is a need to emphasize the importance of 2008 as Management monitoring and dialogue between shareholders and institutional investors in the company since the global financial crisis was emerging. As the end of 2016 in the domestic release code is a two-way communication has become more important.
This meeting has to include eight companies Samsung Asset Management, Mirae Asset, Korea Investment Trust Management, trustee Stone Asset Management, Meritz Asset Management, lime Asset Management, Zebra investment advice, the Minister of Economy Institute scheduled to participate in the ten codes future stewards of nine assets the managers, etc. attended.
The financial authorities are expected to ask for support to come true, the code is successfully stewardship activities related financial institutions, including the Korea Development Bank, Korea Securities Depository, Korea Securities Finance, Korea Financial Investment Association, Korea Life Insurance Association. Financial corporate governance circles above will operate the council working this month to support the activities of the various issues relating to shareholder stewardship code ten.
In the meeting it was discussed the day, such as the Stewardship Code calls for support for the implementation details involved or whether the difficulties associated with the determination and readiness levels, participation and implementation of the code spread information.
Corporate governance circles is planning to carry out activities to support the participation and implementation of a future code. Also it announced that it easily can be achieved by increasing the spread code to participate atmosphere dozens code Stewards participate.
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