Monday, February 13, 2017

Exchange "will be expanded this year, international blue chip companies traded index products"

[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] said he would have traded this year, the Korea Exchange blue chip companies abroad and foreign goods index and expand cooperation, cooperation with overseas exchanges.

Yieuntae Korea Exchange Stock Market Division has 13 days to open a business plan announcement press conference located in three strategic directions, and told reporters.

The Head of the "securities market has set three strategic directions in order to contribute to supplying new energy and economic development in the capital markets as the main board of our capital markets," and "improve the market-friendly institutions and infrastructure companies faithfully perform the role of natural capital markets, such as supporting the financing of, and will provide a variety of new investment products in order to secure new growth engines that drive the financial industry, "he said.

The short selling of securities markets improving the system headquarters to pursue business focus for this year, and he would explain at the same time enforcing an omnibus account institutional investors diversifying the types of orders.

"The dividend investing and expanding the demand base of arbitrage activated, such as the stock market and will provide a system to improve liquidity," he said "developed to meet companies and investors' needs such as governance disclosure that meets global standards I said we will build a disclosure service. "

In addition, "We will promote the bond intestinal trading activate the bond market transparency in transactions and intestinal dealings with investors, close-seeking system improvements for convenience" and "expanding its lineup of low interest rate era, alternative investment products, the ETF · ETN consistently delivering future He stated that the will become the wealth management market. "

The General Manager is creating an investment environment of the financial year through a consumer-driven business plan and achieve, it said it would ambition to build a global asset management infrastructure, implementation of the global securities market superior products center.

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