Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Gold tuhyeop 'alternative investment PCP' for the alternative investment specialist training courses launched

[Korea financial newspaper nine hyerin News] Korea Financial Investment Association (Chairman hwangyounggi) in order to alternative investment advanced professional manpower for a reasonable investment asset management is based on the discovery, profit analysis, risk analysis of financial investment institute an alternative investment assets' alternative investment opened the PCP 'course from April 04, and announced the recruitment of trainees to March 7th.

PCP (Professional Career Program) utilizes standard gukgajik incompetence (NCS) refers to long-term training programs to educate the financial investment industry's best professionals.

'Alternative investment PCP' process is a long-term training that can be systematically learned with respect to alternative investments in lessons of an education to train alternative investment professionals targeting financial institutions and pension funds management sector workers, domestic ‧ other industry best practices experts.

The curriculum theories on alternative investments, status, was formed to systematically study the actual investment management ‧ strategy, students have to understand the practical information and alternative investment latest trends rational investment planning and investment asset management capabilities It is expected to be maximized.

Duration of April a total of 21 days 86 hours from four days until July 4, proceeds to finance investments in Yeouido Institute weeks 2 days (Tuesday and Thursday) night. Course registration details and other details can be found in the Financial Investment Education Institute.

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