Gongmoga of [South Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] was established in 4500 won the Shinshin constraints.
That patch of OTC pharmaceutical manufacturing and marketing company specializing in the pharmaceutical Shinshin confirm the final results gongmoga conducted against a forecast demand from institutional investors for two days in 4500 won the past eight days said 14 days.
The IPO of forecasting Shinshin pharmaceutical institutions were involved in a total of 442 places, a simple competition posted a 40.88-to-1.
The company will secure a 14.62 billion won in this IPO. The IPO funds will be invested in new plant construction to raise the Sejong City.
Shinshin constraints are subjected to regular subscription over 16 and 17, two days to come. KB Organizer securities are traded date is two months and 28 days.
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