Sunday, February 19, 2017

Kangwon National Agricultural Cooperative "Happy Selling implementation of the national agricultural cooperatives"

[= Chuncheon, Korea financial newspaper reporter Lee, Dong - Kyu] 19 days announced that it has decided to concentrate on "Happy Farmers' cooperatives sold implemented" through Gangwon NACF economic projects active during the year.

Agricultural Economic Holding Gangwon Regional Headquarters last 17 days 100 people, sales implementation cooperatives happy the farmers go to open the farm income ₩ 50,000,000 times people "attending middle of such regional headquarters conference room in Tokyo Region Agricultural Economics managing director and counties Branch Director slogan in 2017 he held a rally promoting economic projects enabled.

The ceremony was to promote economic projects this year set a goal of 5.1% to 3.8 trillion won increase from last year, purchasing, selling agricultural and livestock products business 2.3 trillion won, agricultural materials, fuel, feed business 1.5 trillion won.

In addition, the agricultural banking business revitalization and force farmers to reduce farm materials such as silik promote regional headquarters operating costs through the purchase farmhouse Union decided to write.

Gimgeonyoung chief was saying: "field, and communications from farmers and farmers' income to achieve the national first, will have a sense of duty to do the best projects."

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