Thursday, February 23, 2017

KB Financial Group, one applied to nine custom product packages released next month

[Korea financial newspaper choice is a reporter] # 1-person households of savings to provide additional services to meet the lifestyle Officetel private loans, credit cards intensive one-person households related benefits that support residential living, covering the anxiety about health for insurance, one-person households increased funds and shares to invest in the sector to receive benefits in accordance with linked securities (ELS).

KB Financial Group plans to launch in early March to 1, a package of financial products to cover the overall life of the furniture 'KB Konomi one product package (savings, loans, cards, insurance, funds · ELS)' announced Tuesday.

Package configuration item has mobilized a core subsidiary of the Bank, Securities, Insurance, Card, all of the asset management capabilities of the product group involved a total of six.

From the customer's consumption, health, housing stability through savings and investment it has designed a concept which covers the first half life of one person households.

KB Financial Group is 1 January of this year authorized nine custom product development for KB Research Institute within the 'one-person households Research Center was also established. KB Financial Group through one of the survey and interviews of 1500 people targeted household customers over a period of two months from last December has designed a product that is directly connected with customer needs.

KB Financial Group official said it "will continue to launch differentiated products tailored to the special needs of one-person households throughout the year.

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