Monday, February 27, 2017

KB Kookmin Card, integrated mobile app released

[Korea before lower cervical financial newspaper reporter] KB Kookmin Card will be introduced an integrated mobile app.

KB Kookmin Card has launched the original 'mobile home' 'apps card', 'electronic wallets', 'KB Kookmin Card (+ app card) app' that integrates three mobile app, which was operated handing one such said 27 days.

"KB Kookmin Card (+ app card) app 'without installing multiple apps △ card use history, payment information, benefits information inquiry △ apps card registration and payment △ Star Shop, O2 o (O2O) services, KB Kookmin Card related to various information, benefits and services, which is characterized by convenient access in one app.

Easy sign-in feature was also added.

Traditional username / password method and the way △ certificate number lock (6 digits) △ card payment app password (6 digits) △ fingerprint login functionality was added.

3 apps to integrate to improve the inconvenience of being slow and heavy, driving the app menu 167 is also reduced by integrating many around the main menu, using 80 pieces of existing customers of the half.

Align with the screen / menu structure of an optimized customer-centric focus on ease of transactions to concisely the various steps the user experience to the mobile environment (UX: User Experience) to provide focused.

Considering the customer usage of △ card use history, payment plans amount of various Information Available 'My KB' △ Points, Miles, 'benefits' to see the use of the card by discounted earnings, including card-related benefits information △ short- and long-term card loans Arrange the four main menu view, applying such card-related financial services provided that 'financial' △ registration and payment card app available "apps card 'and on the top was available to help customers easily find the services you need.

In the case of 'My KB', etc. The main menu is four native made it to apply (Native) mode for fast page, detailed menu has built a hybrid approach to Web apps.

The accessibility guidelines for mobile app / web disabilities also complies to provide audio-visual multimedia content such as video △ △ captioning information is used to identify △ unused wallpaper-sized images of text and body text zoom feature that.

KB Kookmin Card said, "when you use this integrated mobile app launch card-related services in a mobile environment to expect discomfort is greatly reduced need to install multiple apps" and "truly encompasses all the service experience of the customer card Life aepro place to catch the integrated announced as scheduled to pay a variety of efforts to actively reflect the diverse needs and mobile trends. "

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