[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] KB Securities coming 24 to three underlying asset (Nikkei225 · HSI · Eurostoxx50) with 6.12% a year (before tax, Mon 0.51%) of the revenue available to KB able ELS 51.52 No. (3 year maturity, including a 6-month prepayment of principal) non-guaranteed equity-linked securities (ELS) 8 species, the principal non-guaranteed securitized derivatives (DLS) 4 species, including the products announced public offering of a total of 12 species.
Nikkei225 Index and Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index (HSI), Euro Starks 50 (Eurostoxx50) KB able to the index as underlying assets ELS 45 · 46 Issue (3 Index Super Lizard Ultra step-down type) six months to three years maturity with no stigma structure It gives an opportunity early repayment as a unit, providing a return of 4% a year (before tax, Lizard prepayments during annual 8%).
Nikkei225 gives the indices and HSI, Euro Starks early repayment opportunity to 6 months in KB able ELS 3-year maturity and 47, issue # 48 (3 Index Ultra step-down type) is no stigma structure 50 Index as the underlying asset, annual 5.6 provide revenue in% (before tax).
Nikkei225 Index and the HSI, Euro Starks KB able to 50 index as underlying assets ELS 49 · 50 Issue (3 indexed step-down type) is it gives an early redemption opportunities with six months to maturity three years, the highest annual 4.7% (before tax) of providing the revenue.
Brent choegeunwol gifts, KB able DLS 25 · 26 call for the West Texas Intermediate choegeunwol gift as underlying assets (2 keomeo dt step-down type) is gives an early redemption opportunities with six months to maturity 1 year and 6 months, the highest provide a return of 6% a year (before tax).
Now that collusion products may cause a loss of principal. If the contact details are in the National Securities KB each branch or customer service center.
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