[Korea before lower cervical financial newspaper reporter] sets out a normal and Energy Technology Guarantee Fund, we support banks and financial smart factory industry.
Kibo is that it has 23 days to enter into a career Ministry of Industry at the bank head office, and our banks' financing agreements for the Smart factory work dissemination and diffusion, and to cooperate in the dissemination and diffusion smart plant said Tuesday.
Smart factory is to implement an integrated, digitized production system for manufacturing life cycle, including design, production, and distribution to IT to produce customized products with minimum cost and time.
This business agreement is to expand the financial support to the smart factory-invested enterprises were established to encourage innovation in manufacturing.
Energy industry generally supports the organic cooperation agreements between the parties with smart building systems plant and Promotion Team, Kibo and our bank has come forward as highly relevant to financial support.
Supported smart factory is now advertised for Smart Factory Promotion Team is recommended. Spread a small business participation, support limit per company is 50 million.
Our bank is scheduled to appear in a special notation SMEs and support for five years have to pay annual guarantee fees by 0.2% P and apply the preferential rates. Kibo is the annual reduction 0.2% P 5 years of guarantee fees to the companies and apply a preferential rate of 95% guarantee made to minimize the financial burden on businesses.
Gimgyuok Kibo President is "I will actively support the smart plant project participating companies through this agreement prior to the creation of start-ups and job creation," he said "by providing custom technology financing of the consumer center to continue in the future company constitution for the Fourth Industrial Revolution gets led to improvements, "he said.
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