Monday, February 13, 2017

Kiwoom, intelligent analysis of issues, "Master of the investment 'open

[Korea financial newspaper nine hyerin News] Artificial Intelligence (AI) and leverage big data was newly opened in ninth services to the 'Master of the investment' service last three days algorithms Store 'Robo Market' to unearth the real-time issues and events .

"Master of the investment 'services are analyzed through the financial data of more than 500 real-time issues, and 10 000 in vast amounts of data more than 100 million CPU and GPU cores between the correlation of market issues and related events that occur in real time, 10 years.

Customers can sign up to receive information on events and issues through the timeline and smart phones such as PUSH real-time updates, In addition also it provides five kinds of portfolios that offer short-term and long-term marketing events and timing. It also provides various investment information to help determine trafficking and demand of investors, including each event subdivided into financial value, such as by showing the scores and rankings 'T score' service.

Meanwhile, the "Robo market 'consists of a master of investment, Robo Stark, nyuji Stark, quant, heroes logic, a total of nine services, including Alpha Trading, as Tablas, Stock bots, signal manufacturers, financial engineering and artificial intelligence utilization analysis it has the features of each service based on the engine, the investor can try to join the service experience for their investment style.

"Master of the investment 'services will be accessible through a smartphone application Kiwoom' youngungmun S ', it provides a month-long trial until March 3rd. If the Kiwoom account and anyone can sign up, there is no account with Kiwoom (search 'Kiwoom accounts opened "in the store) Kiwoom Open Account APP, can be opened directly to your smartphone.

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