[Korea financial newspaper goyounghun News] Korea Investment & Securities that (President yusangho) proceeds with the 'pension assets START & UP events "that comes at the end of June presented the vouchers to target the pension savings accounts and individual retirement annuity (IRP) subscription customers to It said 13 days.
The event will present the vouchers ₩ 10,000 mobile customers opening new power IRP pension savings account or a debit account and registered for at least three years or more ₩ 100,000 May, after payment more than 10 million. In addition, pension savings accounts, depending on the net amount of up to ₩ 300,000, IRP will provide vouchers of up to 3 million yuan, and paid extra for more than 10 million won during the previous pension savings accounts ₩ 20,000 mobile vouchers from third parties. Events for items is limited to the case of pension savings accounts, Korea, Samsung, Fidelity managers, including nine of goods (excluding MMF), IRP is not a separate limit.
WM Division bakwonok strategy is "the 100-year-old age will write right to choose the company that will manage the pension assets of the financial strength to provide the best financial services to customers in more critical stance made by the highest rate of return," he said.
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