[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] showed that the number of university courses in Finance launched a practical course FSS and one nyeonsae increased three times.
According to the Financial Supervisory Service FSS is 21 days from the first quarter last year, the second national experience 20 financial reform practices "as part of the National College Hope College 'Practical Finance' pursued the course of the opening. Meanwhile, the financial authorities have established that has a bar practical finance courses lead to a consensus scale of the need for practical financial education is three times increased during the year by year, first semester 66 universities, 69 courses in the last year, first semester 22 universities, 28 courses .
FSS is a position that even college students can proceed with such a variety of financial transactions, and student loan repayment, requires substantial financial knowledge. In addition, the acquisition of financial knowledge also to prevent youth scholarships, part-time target related financial fraud is important.
In the first quarter of last year it was supported by the teachers and textbooks to 14 universities, 17 courses. The second semester includes 36 universities, has 36 courses, instructors and materials spent the first quarter of this year, 58 universities, 58 such courses.
By region, the metropolitan 23 universities (35%), Yeungnam 17 universities (26%), Chungcheong 15 universities (23%), Hunan six universities (9%), Gangwon four universities (6%), Jeju 1 University was like (1%).
In addition, FSS has developed a standard based on the total ganguian 'Practical Finance for college students' textbook 11 members and 11 video pieces so go easy on financial curiously approaching.
Last year the second semester student results based on practical financial education before and after the target measure financial literacy, the literacy score increased 3.2 points from 61.7 points to 64.9 points.
FSS official said, "It is good to satisfaction 79.3% respectively for the teachers and students of lectures, 76.9%" and "Most universities had opened courses are constantly requesting the opening lecture to," he said.
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