Monday, February 27, 2017

Last year, the average daily foreign exchange transactions $ 48.4 billion ... Won / Yuan Trading ↓

[Korea Jeongseon financial newspaper reporters - who last year was estimated that the size of the domestic foreign exchange bank foreign exchange transactions similar to the previous year.

27 days fell slightly Bank of Korea, the average daily trading volume of last year, according to a foreign exchange bank announced a "foreign exchange trends in the foreign exchange bank" it is $ 48.38 billion versus $ 50 million a year ($ 48.43 billion) in 2015.

In terms of product type, the spot exchange was only down $ 500 005 000 (2.7%) from the previous year to 30 million per day, $ 194 billion.

In particular, the won / yuan trading 400.007 million dollars and it was only lower than in 2015 to $ 20 billion last year. In this regard before December last year, the government announced through the Foreign Exchange Law Act amended the Right won / yuan direct transaction foreign exchange market two years promoting the health contribution relief again.

Another spot exchange transaction volume last year won / dollar fell to US $ 12 000 million dollars 14.500002 billion.

Forward exchange transactions and foreign exchange rate volatility as investors appeared to be increased.

Foreign Exchange Derivatives Trading foreign exchange banks last year has increased by 10 000 5000 289 billion dollars to 500 million US dollars over the previous year. In particular, the difference between non-resident and offshore forward (NDF) transactions increased by 7.96 billion dollars to 1.17 billion dollars.

The Bank of Korea (BOK) said "Last year, China's financial and economic instability, Breck sheets (European Union to leave the UK) approved, the exchange rate volatility under such rate hikes, Trump won the US presidential election in the US Federal Reserve increased NDF transactions of offshore investors' It explained.

The difference between the cheapest and the most expensive day of the year won / dollar exchange rate in 2010 (9.5 W) was greater in the most wide average of 7.5 million won after six years.

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