Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Last year, foreign institutional investment securities $ 52.2 billion led by insurers ↑

[Korea Jeongseon financial newspaper reporters - a new international accounting standards (IFRS 17) is significantly increased overseas securities investment by domestic factors, such as institutional investors in foreign bonds ahead of the implementation of insurance.

Bank of Korea According to foreign securities investment trends of major institutional investors in 2016 issued 28 days late last year, the domestic asset management companies, insurance companies, securities firms, including foreign currency securities investment funds of institutional investors from the previous end of 2015 to $ 173.74 billion 52.100008 billion increased Wanda Errors (42.9%).

Overseas investment by domestic institutions has been expanded since the last record in 2012 $ 12.3 billion $ 12.7 billion in 2013 net investments last year, the fifth consecutive year in 2014, including $ 16.8 billion.

Foreign investment in insurance companies showed a rise sharply. IFRS 17 is performed before the analysis that the increase in the foreign bond investment of insurance companies.

The end of last year, foreign investment in the insurance funds increased 64.98 billion months 1 years new $ 22.88 billion (52.5%) in Russia. Compared to the last end of 2014 ($ 33.68 billion), a level close to doubled.

Insurance companies dramatically increased investment in foreign stocks, but ceased to $ 2.61 billion dollars increased by 180 million months, foreign bonds ($ 18.28 billion) and Korea Water ($ 3.92 billion) investment.

Foreign securities investment funds of asset management companies was 797 billion dollars in 5000 totaled 10 000 19.500008 billion increase Wanda Errors (32.5%). Overseas investment in overseas securities investment foreign exchange bank of the year a new $ 7.25 billion (67.1%), securities increased $ 2.97 billion (37.2%).

The Bank of Korea analyzed that "insurance companies, asset management companies have increased overseas investment in foreign securities increased significantly influenced by new investments mainly foreign bonds.

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