[Korea Jeongseon financial newspaper reporters - showed beyond a smartphone-based mobile banking, share of 60% in the last year, the number of Internet banking use.
According to an announcement by the Bank of Korea 27 days' 2016 the year domestic Internet banking service usage, "2016 the year Internet banking (including mobile banking) using the number (daily average) is 8750 million, using money (one average) 42.4247 trillion won YoY growth was 12.2% and 5.3% respectively.
2016 the year mobile banking, (smart phones, IC chips, including VM system) using the number (daily average) is 5309 million, using money (one average) compared to the previous year to 3.1494 trillion won respectively 25.2% (1070 million), 26.2% ( 653.2 billion won), it increased by.
Following to use the smart phone banking while gradually increasing beyond the first half of the smart phone banking using internet banking proportion of the total number of 54.1% in the year 2015 rose to 61% in the year 2016.
Use of the Internet Banking Banking smartphone share price also rose compared to the previous year (6.1%) to 7.4% in 2016.
Mobile Banking per standard transfer price has increased from the previous year to ₩ 12,000 ₩ 7000 10 000 2016 73 standard years.
Last year, the smart phone banking registered customers increased by 15.3% compared to the end of the previous year 74.68 million people (988 million). Smart phone banking customers registered capital rose to 61% of total banking registered customers.
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