[Korea gimeunji financial newspaper reporter - latest round emphasized the importance of informal communication heomun the usual vertical wall in any event, SK Networks President sets out the authentic 'communication management'.
Chey through the sinnyeonsa earlier "new businesses should definitely generate tangible results approached in a new way out of the existing practices and frameworks, SK Networks, the transformation and innovation of the determination that a new start-up is required to," he said.
Following "and create an organizational culture in which one communication, in order to mobilize all capabilities within the company is betting synergies should be the premise of interest and understanding of each other," he said.
SK Networks will operate weekly from February as part of the Forum members and four executives have with their. Being promoted to full-fledged growth sinnyeonsa such as business reorganization of Chey of SK Networks will spiral to maximize performance through a new change in the corporate culture.
SK Networks has been operating the Forum from 20 to 30 members participated on a quarterly basis from 2015. This year, the forum has expanded its existing 4 pieces for horizontal communication culture based on mutual respect between voluntarily and enthusiastically participate based on a "deep change" △ △ leaders and members of member.
Four forums are organized by the Forum as a member of various ages yirwojin C1 and C2 forum, women's forum members W, achieved a 'new recruits Reading Forum "consisting of new recruits this year. Each forum has also participated Park, Sang - Kyu president.
C1, C2 forum is an internal issue and major issues, W Forum samneunda a flexible organizational culture and women's workforce development as the main theme. The reading forums conducted in-depth discussions about the books that are selected each month.
Each member of the 10 people who participated in the forum are the president and candid discussions on a given topic by the forum as a "change agent" to lead the change management. This makes it possible to offer a solution through, given feedback right from the road scene for fresh thoughts or questions from members.
In fact, earlier this month to try in the first undertaken C1 forum as a womb company of SK Group about the history of SK Networks looking at existing and different angles, 20 days W forum within women leaders organized by the theme of equality between men and women operating the second It held a lively discussion about the difficulties and obstacles to development meandering.
SK Networks said, "If the communication efforts of the voluntary participation of members through such forums and executives are constantly added to it to be settled horizontal corporate culture," said "ultimately be a solid foundation for the business model innovation and business performance creation expect, "he said.
Meanwhile, SK Networks has organized the fashion sector last year, duty-free and provide a new growth engine through the magic SK (Oriental Magic) argument. SK Networks plans to pursue the business of life Car rental, led by SK, with an emphasis on the growth of SK magic this year to focus on.
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