Monday, February 13, 2017

NH Agricultural Bank, College Corps 'N Dolphin' recruitment 05

[Korea financial newspaper sinyuncheol reporter] NH Agricultural Cooperative Bank (Bank yigyeongseop), a college student volunteers' N Dolphin '' fifth group 14 February to 3 March cooperatives internet banking website and N Dolphin official blog through a public offer to.

Recruiting personnel, including selection (refugees, multicultural families, college students preferred), and about the activities Possess a good command bankers who award, scholarship, he joined Benefits (primary document screening exemptions) through document review and interviews from the University of re-hyuhaksaeng to 50 people the benefits are provided.

NH Agricultural Bank of college students volunteer N Dolphin was launched in 2013 was awarded the differentiated social contribution and acknowledged the contributions to the spread of education contributed accept the Ministry of Education organized "2013 Republic of Korea education contributed to" Students in Circle Prize for the community.

Such as college students volunteer N Dolphin fifth group is the end of March ceremony youth economic education with the brand to promote the start and career mentoring, small farmers, education donations and rural outreach targeted financial education marginalized multicultural families, refugees, etc. It will participate in social contribution activities.

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