[Korea's financial standing hyomun newspaper reporter] was presented the opinion that the demolition be done in the political arena for the Federation of Korean Industries (FKI below) placed on jonpye group. In addition, because the Democrats (more or less democratic), garden party, such as four free hangukdang (formerly saenuri party), the party of the people, per definition this was dismantled in favor of the Federation of Korean Industries. FKI dismantling could also break the "canon adhesion" is Politicians appearance to accept that the times demand.
◇ 4 per hospital where five of the FKI in favor of dismantling
Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice (gyeongsilryeon below) has announced the poll results asking for comments on the dismantling FKI 5 to 14 National Assembly Majority party (more democracy, freedom hangukdang, the party of the people, per definition, right justified). According to the announcement of four political parties, except the right favor for the expressed will of the Federation of Korean Industries dismantled.
By showing where the answer stance in favor of the immediate dismantling was more democratic, per definition of the national party. They listened to undermine political neutrality, the canon of adhesion ring, economic justice distortion, serious threat to democratic market economies, such as midnight incapacity reasons. If the principle of freedom hangukdang Despite that the will of the FKI in favor of dissolution, the proposed demolition plan the transition to a think tank in the premises. Right party has no answer.
Gyeongsilryeon said, "Despite that the meaning of this in favor of the Federation of Korean Industries dismantled hospital per 4 this together only after the aggressive actions," he said. "In the case of a non-response right parties will not have the will to canon adhesion eradicated and corruption liquidation".
He added, "Congress now has the initiative, the Federation of Korean Industries urged the dissolution resolution," said "The initiative not only to expand the aggressive movement," he urged.
FKI ◇ "I will answer the claims gyeongsilryeon"
Parties to the politicians in favor of dismantling the Federation of Korean Industries FKI said, "nothing to answer." Although aware of the relevant information, and to talk about that answer.
FKI official said "survey results are published in the gyeongsilryeon jeophaetda through the press." "There is no apparent something to say about this part," he said.
On the other hand, opens the FKI board comes 17 days. In this day, the Council reported last year's budget and the budget is discussed as the main agenda. In addition, there is also likely to be achieved discussions on a successor Chairman Huh Chang-soo. In the current financial CJ Group Chairman Sohn Kyung-shik, chairman bakyoungju this industry, such as the gimyun Samyang Holdings Chairman Huh's successor as chairman it is mentioned, but those groups and parties in the Federation of Korean Industries chairman daehaeseon negative stance on the basing there.
Federation of Korean side said "In general, if the chairman of the FKI successor will be announced prior to the Annual General Meeting," "but due to several external factors have delayed successor to head selection, and hoping to announce before the regular meeting," he said.
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