Thursday, February 23, 2017

Samsung Life Insurance, Samsung Securities' participation rights offering ... 97.8 billion won investment

[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper News] Samsung Life that was published 23 days to participate in the equity of 97.759 billion won in the first affiliates of Samsung Securities assigned the rights offering.

Be owned stocks 3.71707 million mainly dated March 8 is coming. Samsung Life Insurance, Samsung Securities will hold a 29.92% stake after the investment.

Samsung Securities is underway in the capital increase of 338.345 billion won scale issuing new ordinary shares 10 000 1286 4835 weeks. Is one issue price per share is ₩ 26,300.

Side Samsung Securities "were included in number of shares owned more than 619 511 shares subscribed" and "may fluctuate depending on the stake after the investment is in excess subscription assignments minutes," he said. One is reminded per share issue price is finalized finalized two days next month.

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