[Korea ohahreum financial newspaper News] Samsung has launched a management swaesinan provided to minimize the space management due to the redemption Vice President Lee Jae-yong.
According to the business world 24, Samsung will discuss ways to lower the standards for Council decisions on the various contributions and donations from the day the Council of 10 million.
SEC regulations Board of Directors has gotta to go through the Council decision within a management committee only for more than 50 billion won donation.
The Samsung is greatly reduced the amount of donations 11-2 is interpreted as a measure to prevent the crisis in the second choesunsil.
Samsung Electronics official said, "not been finalized jungyijiman discuss the various swaesinan," he said.
In addition, the company reaches reportedly considering dismantling the three groups woljung control tower of the future strategy room (not all rooms).
Park Young - Soo sp Prime Minister hwanggyoan acting President is authorized to terminate the activities coming 28 days if you do not accept the extended investigation period.
If so, Samsung is put in prison, even if the US vice president is busy dismantling all rooms in March. However, if the independent counsel investigation is extended one months in all rooms dismantling the US is much sunyeon.
If the US has achieved three rooms dismantling woljung seems to be much faster speed of the Samsung also announced swaesinan.
All rooms now have a situation that requires the US to return to the HR including affiliates, because 50,000 more than the boss class. Once the presidents discussed the HR HR width may be greater than expected. All rooms are non-employees to return to their original affiliated companies.
They will strengthen the US Samsung affiliates rooms voluntary activities by management and the Board of Directors after the demolition plans. All rooms have features such as the US which is responsible for coordination between affiliates reportedly be shared etc., Samsung C & T, life.
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