[Korea ohahreum financial newspaper News] Samsung Electronics succeeded in developing communication chip to play a key role in the next generation 5G wireless communications.
The 5G millimeter-wave wireless communication RFIC (Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit) was able to accelerate the commercialization of 5G wireless communication that supports up to 20Gbps communication speed chip developed.
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Samsung Electronics succeeded in developing 5G wireless communication RFIC chip will support the implementation of 28GHz band and integrates key RF devices announced in June last year.
Samsung is made possible to downsize the communication apparatus including a base station by utilizing the RFIC 5G wireless communication chip greatly reduced compared to the conventional size. 5G wireless networks is essential miniaturization and weight reduction of the need to build more base stations compared with the 4G LTE network base stations.
In addition, Samsung has also implemented power consumption of the chip RFIC 5G wireless communication industry minimum.
This is the power consumption required for network operation can be reduced network operating costs (OPEX, Operating Expenditure) savings, and can also dramatically increase battery life 5G communications equipment.
Samsung's next-generation business leader Gyung Hoon Jeon, vice president of "Samsung Electronics Over the years, has developed a variety of key technologies required for next generation 5G wireless communication," he said "The 5G wireless communication chip development success is expected to be an important milestone in the development of 5G commercial products is, "he said.
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