Thursday, February 16, 2017

Shinhan Bank, enforcement, hobbies platform in CGV '

[Korea sinyuncheol financial newspaper reporter] Shinhan Bank is 15, Jung-gu, Seoul, Myeongdong CGV material used in autonomous workers commute to the target program tailored hobby "hobby platform in CGV 'the progress made.

Shinhan Bank's employees routinely used're smart working arrangements, such as voluntary commute, work, telecommuting smart working centers to support the program to become a hobby here planning this 'hobby platform in CGV'.

"She platforms in CGV 'they can participate wondeyi class and consists of watching movies and using the commuting employees to leave work early the day voluntary program was attended by adjusting working hours to more than 100 employees who left early.

This "hobby platform in CGV 'is dwaeteumyeo proceed to the theme' worth of happiness realized over the world travel 'employees participated in the talk concert with the author Kim waterway writers' art load, colorful round the world left in twenty-four' after watching the movie was 'Ryan'.

One day, attending staff "could spend significant time after an evening off work early to be able to participate in a concert together to talk and watch the latest movie," he said to leave a comment.

Off work of Shinhan Bank officials nationwide expansion of the "Smart working is cultural diffusion, day two trillion Mercenaries philosophy of bankers hope through the balance of the staff happy to grow intact contained system of life of creativity and innovation," said "program implemented to more employees after plans to support recreational activities, "he said.

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