Monday, February 27, 2017

Shipbuilding robot walking down ornithine "Hyun Joong based business weakened."

[Korea financial newspaper = jeonghuiyun News] Hyundai Heavy Industries, the 27th to open the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders holding company, let the modern robotics determine the stakes in affiliated companies and spin-off plans for a vertex "business stability and business risks Enlarge HHI is inevitable." the assessment came.

NICE has pointed out that corporate credit rating to Hyundai Heavy afternoon continuation after the split with the effect of borrowing burden, improving the financial stability indicators also expected to negatively impact In terms of business.

Since Hyundai Oil group is divided incorporated into modern robotics previous year, the bank subsidiary Todo why does remind stake in Hyundai Heavy been made a substantial lead large financial risk mitigation effect.

In addition, if you would Robotics subsidiary of Hyundai's three Korean Hyundai Heavy Industries receives sensitive to environmental fluctuations affect the global order increase the variability or Sinpyeong had expected.

Day, according to the shareholders' meeting decided HHI coming April shipbuilding, marine, engine bay, leaving △ electric and electronic (modern electric and energy system) △ construction equipment remaining three, etc. (Hyundai Construction Equipment) △ robot (modern robotics, Daegu) It plans to separate the business into a separate company.

The company also transferred to the headquarters of separate respectively Seoul and Daegu. Hyundai Heavy Industries is one bar earlier in Chungbuk voice and Busan headquarters each year to separate the two earlier companies such as Hyundai Heavy Industries in December last year the global green energy and modern service.

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