[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] KSM- crowd seeding (Seeding) funds in the last 22 days has selected the Korea Exchange KSM (KRX Startup Market) of listed companies 'SM English' as the No. 1 investment announced Monday. Scale is 1 billion.
KSM- crowd seeding fund was to create a company registered KSM support and strengthen crowdfunding prime role. Late last year, the Korea Exchange-specific medium-term securities ∙ ∙ ∙ IBK Korea growing financial company to scale eight billion won gotta create a joint bank and the Korea Asset Investment Management.
SM English last year August 1 billion won was successful crowdfunding, in November the same year was designated as a listed company during KSM opened. Since its establishment in 2008 has developed an efficient, YBM, online learning content Herald of domestic English teaching materials, the end of 2015 recorded a turnover of 1.46 billion won now.
Exchange said it will contribute to crowdfunding, building KSM, Conex, KOSDAQ listed companies, leading to a bridge system, including through support for start-up business growth in the future promising KSM registered companies.
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