Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Then Dongbu, Vietnam and volunteer subsidiary PTI

[Korea financial newspaper gimmingyeong News] Dongbu last 4 nights 5-17 days 21 days Dongbu Insurance and Dongbu Vietnamese subsidiary, PTI (Post & Telecommunication Insurance) East scholar volunteers, including employees 'East Hari', etc. 70 people find the said three middle schools located in northern Vietnam Lai Chau area played a volunteer.

Volunteers first proceeded to the PTI mural painting in two classroom extension to the Nung Nang School to improve the learning environment. And Nam Noong School, Ban visited the Bo School was presented the 50 bikes and helmets to students conducting bicycle safety education and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training together with the Korea Child Safety Foundation.

In addition, volunteers have also opened a mini sports day you can enjoy the traditional folk games in Korea and Vietnam established a chapter of the festival to do with the more than 500 local middle school students and local residents.

In particular, this outreach assessment with Vietnam to participate FTU (Foreign Trade University) Scholarships to 10 people is a deeper and more meaningful. Domestic scholars have reportedly been able to facilitate the communication with the help of local students scholarships FTU.

Gimganguk Dongbu Vietnam President of the Corporation "was not the time long, and if you rode the time spent with children is really happy and safe, bike fun" said "Thank you to all submitted Dongbu ∙ PTI employees and eastern Foundation national and international scholars together this volunteer program It taps words of "a comment he said.

Dongbu has played with the Vietnam Scholarship and education Environment Improvement Project and the Eastern Culture Foundation every year, a local volunteer program was conducted this year for the first time together with scholars.

Dongbu Insurance has achieved the M / S 3 place in Vietnam and in January 2015, Vietnam insurers PTI (Post & Telecommunication Insurance) to acquire a 37.32% has entered the Vietnamese insurance market, since the focus on auto insurance and bancassurance . In particular, building a business based in Vietnam and reportedly spreading across the enterprise to ensure business expansion overseas, such as the platform of Indochina.

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