Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Upcoming events preceding claims suicide, two Samsung and Kyobo Life Insurance, Hanwha fate

[Korea gimmingyeong financial newspaper reporter] sanctions committee came forward to commit suicide two days of deliberations insurance FSS. Samsung, Hanwha, except for Allianz, Kyobo Life, including the big three companies target.

Last year the FSB had notice increased strength sanctions include dismissal and censure warning alert for employees, including some operating license suspension and deregistration, CEO for four unpaid insurance agency aimed at suicide. Allianz Life was soon to open a board of directors decided to pay the full amount was not paid claims suicide meantime.

The remaining insurers have submitted data call and said the policy commitment, paid part. Samsung Life Insurance has announced that it will pay the unpaid insurance suicide in 2014 based on the recommendations FSS from 2012 to 2014 for our customers.

Also it decided to fund appearances in the form of a suicide prevention foundation for outstanding cases from January 24, 2011 made possible sanctions such as fines for the violation of the Terms of Insurance Business until September 05, 2012.

Kyobo Life Insurance, Hanwha said it would pay claims after a suicide agreement complies with regulations violate the legislation in January 04, 2011. The amount reportedly 200 billion corresponding to 20% of total unpaid claims suicide.

Insurers are expected to experience a lot of problems even if only part of the business, such as business suspension period of sanctions that prohibit the sale of goods. In particular, market share may be (MS) are also greatly reduced as well as threaten the livelihood of agents belonging to insurers when the flagship life insurance, CI insurance products include sanctions to target.

Also included in the discipline targeted by the CEO in this review are likely to lead to the worst case dismissed CEO. In particular, Samsung Life, comes the concern that de facto head of the group, along with Vice President Lee Jae-yong constrained situation 'eopchinde worse, the situation may be taking.

Suicide claims tedious tug pulled six years is expected to be on the day after tomorrow ildanrak FSS jesim.

Yaounde teeth financial Consumers Union argued that lower the initial high intensity disciplinary notice was dismissed, including recommendations for employees such as sales of goodwill and some stop returning, CEO for Samsung and Kyobo Life Insurance, Hanwha.

Yigiuk gold Yeon Secretary General has said 'fraud' for the insurance money payable suicide situation was critical that high intensity "forsook the trust of consumers unethical behavior in pursuit of the interests of shareholders only.

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