Tuesday, March 28, 2017

4:00 aged 70 years ELS investments meditation period from January the 2nd grant

To give [financial newspaper goyounghun Korea News] meditation period of 70 years from the next month to the elderly ELS investment during two days.

The FSS announced financial practices such reforms contained the information on the 28th and told reporters. The price-linked securities (ELS) including at least unsuitable investors, or 70 years after the subscription investors fully understand the investment risks, including product structure and gives the meditation period at least two business days to investment decisions.

ELS etc. gotta have raised the need to diversify the product structure and risk factors reinforce the general investor protection.

Although the limited time period granted by the meditation of one business to target the elderly over second current 80 years to extend the time the target investors.

Derivatives securities balances were slightly lower than in the last 24 days 98.7 trillion won to 99.8 trillion won 2 Balance at end. Made an early repayment increased significantly with the increase of the price index which is much used as underlying assets, issuance amount was also significantly increased compared to the same period last year. Issuance is less than the balance of payments issued is reduced. EuroStoxx main stock index such as 50, S & P 500, HSCEI is possibility exists stigmatized as example, but rising past HSCEI case this year.

General investors derivatives of conspiracy manner that it sells to a suitable investor with over 70 years of investment of (corporate excluded) Securities (ELS · DLS), bond derivatives through trusts and funds, securities investment products are included in this elderly meditation system. Four derivatives (ELB · DLB), online selling, transferring from discretionary investment contracts, private manner, etc. are excluded from this scheme applies.

Meditation subject investors to determine whether the subscription, and for two days before the final investment period of meditation subscription deadline 2 business days. Meditation period before they begin to offer periods may be canceled.

Financial institutions are guided to additional risks, such as how to cancel a telephone to offer investors meditation subject until the next day from the shutdown period of meditation Happy Call. As of April 1, not a business day is effective from the effective date or 3 days.

FSS side target investors meditation explained it desirable that an offer to sell early. This is because the difficult period of meditation secure if you receive an offer during the period of meditation to offer two business days of the period, but not during meditation.

In addition, if a call for additional guidance, financial companies can pick up the phone to listen for additional instructions and determine whether to refer a subscription cancellation.

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