Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Agricultural Bank of Chungnam sales headquarters' team leaders' forum 'held

[Korea financial newspaper charged = Lee, Dong - Kyu reporter] NH Agricultural Bank of Chungnam National Sales Division (photo Front row left First Division wonjongchan) is to strengthen the team leader competencies to target the dealer receives team leader 39 people in four zones, Chungnam jurisdiction to last 16 to 17 he held - 'team Leaders' Forum said Tuesday.

The 'team leaders' forum' is beyond the mere business promotion meeting leader - Case with free discussion, etc. The role of team leader for the development of bottom-up decision-making methods and ongoing customer care and counter hwalryeokhwa plan, team capabilities through communications among team members It proceeded by sharing time.

Wonjongchan he asked the chief emphasized the "systematic and continuous customer care and team leader for this initiative will be to develop team skills." "I gotta have one employee changed prior to the next level providing high levels of customer service."

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