Monday, March 20, 2017

Agricultural gentleman, achieving one trillion won loan healthy

[South Korea Lee, Dong - Kyu financial newspaper reporter] gentleman cooperatives (union president should anbyeong) won the last September mutual credit loans, loans wholesome achieve top 1 trillion won, followed by achieving one trillion won prize June 2013 deposits. This gentleman cooperatives became the first local mutual credit cooperatives have achieved a deposit and loan healthy one trillion won in loans Siheung, Ansan.

Last year, net profit cooperatives is the gentleman had allocated a total of 2.982 billion won, including 4 million won to achieve 5.4 billion invested dividends ₩ 1.452 billion, 1.53 billion won using high dividend, and dividend shares for 1.626 billion won in the project reserves. Mainly focusing on the promotion of members' welfare, agriculture and rural cooperatives was supported by a gentleman such as hwalryeokhwa 3.801 billion won to support education expenses. Anbyeong union president is not "through a variety of projects for leading financial services and regional development will do my best in the leading role as cooperatives," he said.

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