Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Agricultural holding Agricultural economies of the economy CEO, farmer income to planting 50 million won single-digit days

[Korea Financial News Lee, Dong - Kyu News] Agricultural Cooperative (Chairman gimbyeongwon) Economic landlords, including agricultural economy subsidiary CEOs (14) of the attending last 20 days cooperatives in the distribution headquarters (Seocho-gu, Seoul) "2017 Year of cooperatives to gimwonseok Agricultural Economics CEO holding subsidiaries that hold economic conference presidents, "he said 21 days.

The event in ▲ discuss promoting agri-food exports subsidiaries stars emphasis for farm materials product development, ▲ planting We produce outlets for the distribution business CS empowerment, ▲ Farming convenience for the consumer confidence improve matters and affiliates free communication between the to open a win-win (相 生) synergies through active cooperation 'farm income ₩ 50,000,000 era to create a "national cooperatives of farmers' happy' lead was resolved to stand.

Agricultural Economic Holding gimwonseok Agricultural Economics CEO of "Agricultural Economics holding all employees in 2017, holding system, Sanya launched first year as a springboard to jump the chest to create a" National Agricultural Cooperative Economic Holdings loved by the people, '' the world farmers are respected ' having a depth Nongshim (農 心), please give the best in their place, "he means," especially here gathered subsidiary CEO deulkkeseo 'farm income ₩ 50,000,000 era of pioneering and different is the' farmers are happy citizens of the cooperatives' spearhead implementation "I urged.

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