Monday, March 20, 2017

Agricultural water source, deposits exceeded 2 trillion won

[South Korea Lee, Dong - Kyu financial newspaper reporter] Suwon cooperatives (union president yeomgyujong) announced that it has achieved the first 2 trillion won last year, deposits cooperatives nationwide. Last year, deposits in credit business end of the balance of 2 million increase to one trillion 846 ₩ 7,000,000 compared to 132.776 billion won in 2015 to 105.7% was achieved compared to the business plan. In addition, deposits were also average balance was 1.9879 trillion exceeded the business plan by 31 million won.

Mutual credit loan balances increased 1 trillion 440.801 billion won in 2015 compared to 198.846 billion won to 113.4 percent more to achieve business plans. Loans average balance even 1.3091 trillion to ₩ 85 million was also posted premium business plan performance.

Delinquency rate is also the cornerstone of healthy minced closing below 0.57% has achieved a solid business plan objectives. Mart business has increased 564 billion in economic projects ₩ 9.065 billion YoY to 33 million won.

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