Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Based on both declined in February COFIX

[Korea sinyuncheol financial newspaper reporter] in February 2017 based on the balance criterion is COFIX fell 0.01% points to 1.60% compared to the previous month, based on newly extended COFIX fell 0.02 percentage point to 1.48% compared to the previous month.

The decline was attributed as the cause is analyzed based on the balance COFIX past one handling high-yield deposits, etc. maturities of deposits and the relatively low interest rates reflect the new. COFIX balance basis fell to their lowest level since the adoption in February 2010.

Based on newly extended COFIX fell compared to the previous month due to a decrease in market interest rates and so on. Balance is based on COFIX but gradually reflect market interest rate fluctuations, based on newly extended COFIX has features that reflect the market interest rate changes quickly, compared to the balance as calculated by reference COFIX target the funding to the new woljung. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully select the loan product after you fully understand the characteristics of these COFIX If you want to get COFIX linked loans.

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