[Korea gimeunji financial newspaper reporter] Lotte Cinema is stable for part-time employees 'deurimi (Dream-I)' and to provide a pleasant working environment for the introduction of industry-leading support system.
10 days Lotte Cinema announced in April, considering that the majority of college students that are coming deurimi scholarships to selected quarterly thematic excellent deurimi. It is expected to be paid to the selection of the target year 30 people applied simultaneously also considering plans to expand as needed.
Regular seminar aimed at deurimi also plans to make deurimi they want later joined Lotte Cinema operated during the second half of the assistance of jobs understood.
To advance professional training for the multiplex part-time employees of the film industry, Lotte higher interest to applicants film investment, marketing, aimed at reflecting the Theater services for the overall service cinema and entertainment businesses May 1 at least once a regular basis do.
In addition, Lotte Cinema, which had introduced the first minutes of the payroll system for deurimi February. This is to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding caused by unifying the working time management through a full computerized management.
There sequential payment for the difference that may arise from the existing working time management system is in progress. In addition to conducting a census and to ensure the operational details were not standardized which may occur in theaters across the country, it plans to actively improve the mijinhan part to reflect the voice of the scene.
Lotte Cinema said, "recent work that the introduction of a number of institutions that can provide the labor organizations of the proposal, this information is already reflected in the management by the majority, a higher level of treatment deurimi can grow with pride was in I'll have to be, "he said.
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