[Korea hyerin nine financial newspaper reporter] government bond yields closed with gangbohap.
As the Constitutional Court has sentenced the president of the Presidency wavefront Park Geun-hye it was influenced to resolve the domestic political uncertainties. In particular, it turned to strength since the judgment pronounced publicly chojanggi bonds.
According to the Korea Financial Investment Association 10 days is a 3-year government bond fell 0.9bp 1.780% compared to the previous trading day, the 10-year government bonds finished trading at 2.318 percent as trading ago. Showed the 50-year 2.386%, down 7.0bp.
Three years government bond futures (KTBF) was trading at 109.25, up six ticks compared to the previous trading day. But the securities purchased 11 195 contracts, foreigners sold a 5585 agreement. 90 000 6828 dwaetgo contract deal, open interest was up 390 contracts.
'10 KTB futures (LKTBF) was trading at 123.80 compared to the previous trading day rose 14 ticks. The securities were net buyers Agreement 1231, this commitment was 1284 contracts net short. Out of 52 680 contracts traded contract open interest decreased by 89.
MSBs showed a 91-day 0.4bp fell 1.360 percent compared to the previous trading day. While one-year monetary stabilization was finished trading at 1.510% compared to the previous trading day down 0.6bp, 2-yr MSBs was trading at 1.675%, down 1.1bp.
Debentures (unsecured three years) AA- yields fell 0.7bp 2.258%, corporate bonds (non-guaranteed 3 years) compared to the previous trading day closed at 8.468 percent, down BBB- 0.6bp.
CD 91-day notice was to 1.490%, CP 91 days 1.630% of water remained flat as previous trading.
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