Thursday, March 9, 2017

Busan Bank, held innovation leader Ceremony

Was [Korea Busan = bakminhyeon financial newspaper reporter] BNK Busan Bank Financial Group (Chairman seongsehwan) held a "joint ceremony BNK Busan Bank Innovation Leader 'in Busan Bank headquarters auditorium yesterday.

Day joint ceremony is right for 50th Pusan ​​Bank, the bank 395 people within two innovation leaders (15 yes leader, people 30 Alpha leader, CS Leader 50) This wisdom and join forces' Yes! Declared that lead the propagation of a positive corporate culture that BNK 'and was prepared for the chopper prepared.

The ceremony was held attended Pusan ​​Bank management and the union chairperson and executive officers, such as innovation leaders belonging insolvency manager of 400 employees, including seongsehwan appointment as presidents awards, pens and words of encouragement, commitment ceremony, relief proposed order.

BNK seongsehwan Financial Group said: "Ji-hoon in a power-saving group management buzzword words of encouragement: leads (折箭 之 訓 thin arrows also several dogs hardly broken when the parent unit) BNK spirit of innovation, change and innovation leader through communication and unity Let's go with a local bank to grow 100 years, "he said.

Meanwhile BNK Busan Bank is yes Reader (Youth Director) "to provide suggestions and ideas on management issues and employee altered consciousness and fraud" alpha leader "to lead the sooner, 'CS leader" who practice the value of customer satisfaction, etc. and operates three organizational innovation leader.

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