[Korea financial newspaper around the lower cervical News] gimgyuok Kibo Technology Fund chief director said "Kibo grew as a technology infrastructure and technical assurance based on the financial know-how, investments, R & D, technology transfer, best agency available packages, support and consulting." "according to the fourth industrial revolution era developed a technology platform to support entrepreneurship nagagetda," he said.
Technology Guarantee Fund has 23 days from Busan headquarters auditorium held the government and related organizations, attended the middle of a small business CEO 'technology start-ups enable job creation through "the seminar said Tuesday.
The seminar was held to improve the atmosphere for entrepreneurship and passive, causing a "fever Busan to technology start-ups, gather a good idea of the area.
Kibo is expected to increase more than 10 times the direct investment in the start-up of new enterprises, increase support now at 5 trillion won to 10 trillion won in 2020 to expand future growth areas.
Kibo specific development plan for the establishment of financial and technical platforms, including utilizing non-financial support to projects to undertake a systematic and comprehensive role for Start-up accelerators were also presented.
Panel discussants as we are choegwanghae Finance Institute Deputy Director, Small and Medium Business Administration Cho, Jong - Rae Busan chapter, Kim, Tae - Kyung Busan Techno Park Director, gimgyeongjo were five people attended, including Busan, Korea Venture Business Association chairman, managing director gangnakgyu notation.
In our discussions, and the economy is the new normal time needed (New Normal) and policy support system that corresponds to the new economic order of the fourth industrial revolution, was concluded that increasing the employment go through a technology start-ups and entrepreneurship recovered.
The panelists presented various ideas and solutions to support the needs of R & D, venture capital, policy support measures to enable start-ups.
Future Internet of Things, will be destroyed constantly created new industries and markets such as artificial intelligence, policy support system has also raised the opinion that the R & D, Accelerators, financing, investment should be to support complex.
Gangnakgyu Kibo Managing Director "notation in R & D guarantee, VC investment, Climate financial support, technology transfer, cultural industry support, technical valuation, such as technology has played a variety of roles MacGyver of the financial sword," he said "Even in technology start-ups enable policy Kibo is I will try to perform a central role, "he said.
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