[Korea's financial standing hyomun newspaper reporter - one pension is decided to exercise the voting rights in the 'neutral' for the reappointment of the POSCO Group Chairman Kwon, Oh - Jun. 8. NPS is a major shareholder which holds a 10.88 percent stake in Posco.
National Pension Fund Management Committee under the Voting Rights Committee has deliberated the agenda of the General Meeting of Shareholders held POSCO coming 10 days. Regarding the rights reappointed president decided to "neutral vote to accept the vote, voted against the bill ratio of other shareholders' approval.
According to the National Pension proxy voting guidelines, the national pension can not afford to invest opposition if the company is infringing on anyone with a history of damage to corporate value of the shareholders' interests as a director. Specialized above the 'defense silse' choesunsil seed, etc. (judgment of the Court ruling, prosecutors indicted, including state agencies) POSCO-based advertising agency robbed trying to facts, according to the "proxy voting guidelines for the suspicion that POSCO is involved in mere incident to an attempted This does not, "he said.
However, "there is concern about the negative impact that might have value to companies in the social controversy spread the Voting Rights decided to 'neutral'," he explained.
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